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Vessel From Saint Lucia With Over One Ton Of Illegal Conch Intercepted


A joint operation involving Saint Lucia and Martinique law enforcement officials resulted in the interception of a vessel leaving Saint Lucia with over one ton of illegal conch on Tuesday.

Martinique media said law enforcement authorities arrested a Saint Lucian and three Martinique nationals  after intercepting the boat.

But according to the reports, several other suspects managed to escape as the illegal cargo was being offloaded at Vauclin in the southeast of Martinique.

The export of conch from Saint Lucia requires a permit.

In November last year, Saint Lucia’s Marine Police reported that a crackdown on fisheries-related violations resulted in the seizure of 5,500 pounds of conch or lambi during a period of one month.


Headline photo: Stock image



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  1. i have a question , when all this conch is seized what happens to it? dont tell me you guys throw it away

  2. No wonder is qwass lambi you getting everywhere here. We can’t buy a decent bowl of lambi here; the French getting it all. Smh

  3. @ anonymous, what!!!!! you cant be serious!! what a waste of money and natural resources. i dont know but to me they could have given it to the fisheries department or who ever to sell

  4. Time to free up the trade with the conch, There is enough money to be made. Everyone can benefit, If government want they cut all they need to do is just implement some fees and we will pay. simple as that.


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