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Saint Lucians Urged To Get Inspiration From WTO Director General


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has paid tribute to World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, asserting that she should inspire Saint Lucians.

“Let us be inspired by international figures such as Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a woman who has conquered the world in her field,” Pierre declared regarding the WTO official whom he said he had the distinct honour of hosting as the Guest of Honour for Saint Lucia’s 44th Independence Anniversary.

The Saint Lucia Prime Minister observed that she became the first woman Finance and Foreign Minister of Nigeria and the first woman and African to head the WTO.

Pierre also noted that she had been celebrated as one of the most influential leaders and among the most powerful women in the world.

“Let us not, therefore, bridle our ambitions; let them be as lofty as our Pitons, and let them surpass the heights of Mount Gimie,” he wrote on Facebook.

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  1. This is the same WTO that puts restrictions on our government, controlling trade in the region, hampering inter Island trade, like Compton said, we can’t be in charge of our destiny when WTO telling us what to do, how much to subsidize agriculture etc. These people are leading us into a new world order control system and we supposed to be inspired by that level of corruption on a global scale?
    You trust these people too much PM, you trust their science now you want us to be inspired by greedy and controlling organizations like WTO and their sycophants.

  2. Well Mr Prime Minister, indeed, let our ambitions be lofty…but allow me some poetic licence in critiquing your use of the metaphorical. I think you have set the bar too low. Majestic as our Pitons are, and unique in the world, setting our ambitions to the height of the Pitons does not really inspire vertical achievements…why not set you bar to the heights of the Stars, a height surely no man or woman has attained so that if one misses the stars atleast one would fall on the moon…. again, though your analogy is understood, you have set the bar too low… showing how limited you are In your outlook.. yet if one misses the Pitons, then one only have to land on the bottom of the sea that washes the feet of the Pitons…an analogy that suggests failure of achieving ones goal… Your invitation in bringing the esteemed lady to our shores is a welcomed gesture…..


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