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Saint Lucia Makes Donations To Art Museum Of The Americas


The Mission of Saint Lucia to the Organization of American States (OAS) last week donated two works by artist Jallim Eudovic to the Art Museum of the Americas, the Caribbean country’s first donation to the permanent collection of the OAS museum in Washington, DC.

The Art Museum of the Americas is the oldest museum in the United States of modern and contemporary art from Latin America and the Caribbean, and contains one of the world’s most important collections of works by artists from the Western Hemisphere.

OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro said the donation is a “milestone for our institution” as part of the Arts Museum of the Americas’ ongoing efforts to promote the arts of the Caribbean.

“Throughout the rich history of art collecting at the OAS, the program has been strengthened by the participation of outstanding Caribbean artists, many of whose works have found homes in our permanent collection. And now, it is an honor to welcome these beautiful works of art from St. Lucia to the collection as true assets of our art program,” added Secretary General Almagro.

For her part, the Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia, Elizabeth Darius-Clarke, recalled that her country’s donation comes on the same day as the 44th anniversary of the Caribbean nation’s independence.

“We also look forward to reinforcing our commitment to the Art Museum team as we continue to explore opportunities to showcase Saint Lucian artists,” Ambassador Darius-Clarke added.

Meanwhile, artist Jallim Eudovic, who was appointed his country’s 2020 Goodwill Ambassador, said “the world needs beacons, beacons of hope, homage and love. Beacons that beam light into the dark depths of our beleaguered souls, battered and bruised by the angst of modern living. Beacons that allow and stimulate new ideas and insightful thinking.”

The Director of the AMA, Adriana Espina, explained that “the goal of the campaign is to have all countries represented and the donation from St. Lucia is a step forward in this direction.”

SOURCE: Organization of American States/SLT. Photo: Permanent Representative of St. Lucia, Elizabeth Darius-Clarke speaking during the presentation of art to the Art Museum of the Americas. Photo courtesy OAS/Juan Manuel Herrera.

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  1. Well that’s good but where is St Lucia’s own national art gallery/national museum, or the promotion of significant Amerindian sites (built over for golf and ridden over by horses!) where are the im portant stories about the female Maroons, the conservation (not demolition) of culturally significant sites et cetera????? To develop pride in own culture and history, we need places in situ. Why promote Lucian culture overseas when it’s not promoted here – Kweyol week maybe, but that’s not a permanent thing…


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