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King Says Vehicle That Fatally Struck ‘Trini’ Disobeyed Traffic Signs


Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King says the vehicle that fatally struck Valence ‘Trini’ Alexander ‘disobeyed and violated’ traffic signs.

Alexander passed away on Monday, February 27th.

When tragedy struck, he was part of a crew from the Department of Infrastructure’s Potholing Unit working along the West Coast Road near Canaries.

The day after the fatal accident Minister King told parliament that the vehicle overtook a line of traffic before hitting the Infrastructure Department employee.

“Before he could reach hospital, he was dead,” the Minister disclosed.

King expressed sincere condolences to the deceased’s family and friends on behalf of his Ministry and the government.

And the Castries North MP described ‘Trini’ as a dedicated worker who demonstrated great attention to detail and knowledge of the job.

“He worked well with his team and always participated in activities and initiatives of the Department,” the Minister recalled.

He said staff were traumatised and undergoing counselling.



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  1. Mr King , I expect the magistrate to withdraw his license effectively immediately. If this is not done, we are looking at this case as nonesense, just like the firearms cases.

  2. I hope the government show their appreciation towards this gentleman by compensating his family, after all he lost his life in the line of duty.

  3. ” Staff traumatized and undergoing counselling”? common now Steve,
    that’s quite a stretch – the election is over, no need for this – it is noticeable
    and we all collectively agree that ‘ Trini ‘ deserve our deepest sympathy and
    our prayers; but counselling for traumatized staff? btw thanx for the road safety

  4. Let’s hope that the vehicle involved in this fatal hit was insured so that his beneficiaries can get full compensation for their loss.

  5. I have a question ….are all the drivers in St. Lucia able to read and comprehend road signs????? I read a previous post of individuals driving through crime scenes which are blocked from both angles.

    Perhaps the government should invest in bright yellow and orange barriers with illumination in order to avoid these fatalities. Or maybe inform the public in advance that at a specific time the road will be closed to all non emergent traffic for repairs…..preferably late at night would be best. May the gentleman RIP…wow

  6. People are behaving reckless and imprudent and then you have other people making foolish statements along tacitly endorsing the bad behavior. Where are we heading to my people, stop it. Renounce these unintelligent, dumb and doltish behavioural patterns that are quickly inundating our society.

  7. Do we really think that this taxi driver would be overtaking a line of traffic with tourist onboard ????? Maybe since the brakes gave way he was trying to avoid the vehicles ahead. I honestly don’t think it was a matter of recklessness. Needless to say it is a sad situation for all those involved. Condolences to the family of the bereaved.


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