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Saint Lucia Takes Steps To Combat Alcohol, Drug Use Among Primary School Students


Efforts to help prevent and reduce the use of alcohol and drugs among primary school children are being strengthened with the recent execution of sensitization and training workshop among key stakeholders.

Chris Satney has more in this report.

SOURCE: Ministry of Education

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  1. Primary school? Jesus. That’s kids no older than 12 and as young as 5. This country is doomed. If you haven’t already, make your exit plan NOW!

  2. In primary school boys knows how to use condoms, smoke weed, cig and some do drink beers and alcohol. It is beyond eye sore in many areas within St. Lucia. Our kids have gone adrift and so does some of the teachers as well. Imagine I have attended a few PTAs meeting and the discussion got heated with regards to cell phones in schools. They are also gangs into the school system already, so this gives leeway for private schools to sprout out to educate and control discipline rather the ailing public system. The public schools are already corrupted, almost all teachers are earning a double to triple salary that is by offering after school classes and bring things within the school compound to sell. in some cases, we accuse massy how expensive things are on the shelf find out how many it cost for a snack in the school and who supply it. Why our kids go to school and idle two to three periods are simply because the teacher choose when to come to school or when not to. It is quite disgusting when you think of it as our trusted educators.

  3. Our education system needs to be revamped. Our minister and other policy makers are too busy travelling to care.


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