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Illegal Firearms Detection Training For Saint Lucia Customs


Saint Lucia’s Customs and Excise Department is engaged in Project Bolt.

The World Customs Organization initiated Project Bolt to arm customs administrators around the world with the intelligence and theoretical knowledge to interdict firearms trafficking and smuggling attempts at legal ports of entry.

Project Bolt has the backing of the United States State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Well too little too late but we will take it. Jackases don’t forget to use your common sense also, for example if you see a big back tv come on the docks question it open it they don’t make big back tv no more so which charity it going to. Also the Kellogg’s and Tide Boxes how come they heavy so ?? Why you send down that in old fridge when it costing you much to ship it here and clear it from customs when for the same money you could have gone to courts?? The same applies for the washer and Maytag stove. Ask the business people how much shoes alone so you have for Batta open all those boxes. The door paneling of cars, the rear seats also. This is the Caribbean why are you bringing down big tins of Milo and Horlicks ??.

  2. All the Illegal Weapons in the Hands of Criminals Presently came in through Customs.

  3. And I have seen a security guard put a box over the camera to make his course, but thank God I did not help him to carry his sin….


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