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Shots Fired In Canaries – Motorcycle Pillion Rider Hospitalised


A motorcycle pillion rider sustained injuries in a shooting incident in Canaries on Saturday.

According to reports, the man was shot multiple times and was rushed to St. Jude Hospital.

But the motorcycle rider was unhurt.

The incident occurred at about 9:40 am on Riverside Road, Canaries.

There are no further details.

Residents of the area told St Lucia Times that both rider and pillion passenger were ‘outsiders’ who did not live in the community.


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  1. Is St. Jude’s the closest and the best place to bring the shooting victim?
    so the shooter and victim are not from Canaries, I’m glad to hear this; from my memory of Canaries, its been a quiet, friendly fishing village, where nothing of the sort ever happens. Times have changed for St. Lucia and evil has taken over. We need Prayer.

  2. @ The Fox & Blacksmith do the math sottas from VF they hiding who could afford to get off the island gone who can’t have to hide in those quiet holes they left cars homes people know who they are and waiting for them. That’s my right go else where with the crap nice and quiet here we good.


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