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WATCH: Saint Lucia Benefits From Drone Pilot Training To Boost Disaster Preparedness, Response


Members of Saint Lucia’s protective services participated in a first-of-its-kind qualification exercise for drone piloting.

The United States based National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) facilitated the exercise in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) and Global Support and Development (GSD).

The qualification enhances the NEMO’s capacity in pre and post-disaster reconnaissance for an improved response to hazardous incidents.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. If the St. Lucian government was really interested in boosting disaster preparedness & resilience, their efforts would have been focused on desilting rivers & feeder streams; particularly those which traverse the major highways via culverts!

    I had occasion to examine the last-minute (literally) desilting activity in Bexon before the passage of Tropical Storm Bret. It seems the authorities thought that desilting the stream in the area 50 feet before the culvert would prevent the chronic flooding across the highway near the gas station. The stream was desilted to a depth of 2 feet only, with the culvert itself having silt blocking three-quarter of its diameter – no attempt was made to remove the silt under the roadway.

    The cosmetic work done with the back-hoe has really done nothing to prevent flooding during the next heavy rainfall. All it has accomplished is the creation of a stagnant pool of water for 50 feet before the culvert, which will inevitably lead to the breeding of swarms of mosquitoes, and their attendant tropical diseases! So far, the water level has not risen to a level where it can be drained through the three-quarter clogged culvert!

    Are you listening, Joachim?

  2. lol lol yea right . come one how does that help in disaster preparedness ? hello if you guys are not going to be honest then please just don’t say nothing. ok let me tell you what to use the drone for. give them to the police, use them to spy on the people some may not be happy but the end justify the mean. read between the lines.

  3. I hope st.lucia police not paying these people to teach them how to fly a drone. Every kid in America can fly a drone. These people are not even accredited, the guy says so on the video. More waste of st.lucia money to rich foreigners.


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