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Pierre Declares Health Care A ‘Moral Imperative’ As Financing Agreement To Complete SJH Signed


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has declared that providing health care is a moral imperative after signing a financing agreement to complete the St. Jude Hospital reconstruction.

“Providing access to healthcare is not merely an economic or political imperative. It is a moral imperative rooted in the values that define us as a country. It is about compassion. It is about empathy,” Pierre wrote on Facebook.

“The state must provide every citizen with accessible, affordable, safe, and reliable healthcare,” the Prime Minister asserted.

The Government of Saint Lucia will receive more than EC$200 million from the Saudi Fund for Development to finance the (SJH) Reconstruction Project.

Pierre described the agreement as one step closer to making amends to the people of Saint Lucia, especially those in the South.

The loan agreement comes at a concessionary rate of 2% over 20 years with a 5-year grace period.

According to Pierre, this will allow for the completion of St. Jude Hospital, the installation and commissioning of existing and new equipment, the transition of St Jude Hospital from the stadium to the new facility, and the rehabilitation of the George Odlum Stadium.

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  1. Imagine the Arabs know how crucial health care are for a nation while we black people playing the cat and mouse game and don’t even care shit. This is what you called CIP.

  2. The fools are fooling the fools. Only in SLU the government is at liberty to do whatever and then lie about. They lied about about a new tax, the borrowed money to finance a hospital project but gave no start date and end date – in fact no specifics. SLP has become a bluffing Government.

  3. Now that your Government have agreed to spend $2m for St. Jude, that’s more than enough to play with, I ask one thing Mr. P.M. please don’t play any more political games with that money. The most Modern Hospital that was started under the last Administration was left unfinished and to rut; no mention was made to revitalize that Structure.
    The small mindedness among some members of your Government must be stopped. From the Speaker, the Independent and some others, show some leadership and cut the crap. Stop showing animosity to the opposition member, we are one people quit the division.

  4. A $200m loan after two years but to hear people celebrating like this is some type of masterstroke. The bar is really set low for this government. No wonder we end up with KFC in a tissue paper and little huts with no toilet or water facilities! “I mean Come On” Sukie voice

  5. I have a big problem with you MR Prime Minister, didn’t you know all that during elections campaigning, okay you did what a man had to do to get what you want at all cost which is to become prime minister which you became.
    First thing you did was stopped everything that would give the people better HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION, ROADS,HOUSINGS ETC,
    Two years later you are promising to do what you should have been doing .You are now campaigning for the snap election, man have to do what man have to do to win like $200000000 loan on the tax payers back

  6. Pip go ahead play politics my friend every rope has an end.y sad what we in the south going through..Don’t know why LUCIANS can’t open their eyes but there is a god above


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