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Bexon Residence Goes Up In Flames


Fire destroyed a Bexon residence early Wednesday morning, leaving one man homeless.

Charles, the resident, recalled that he was at his cousin’s when he received word of the fire but dismissed it as a joke.

Bexon fire

He told reporters that he alone lived in the house.

“I had no current. I had no TV. Nothing special. Just my clothing. Right now, I have nothing, just what I have on me,” he lamented.

“I now have to look for some place to sleep for the time,” Charle stated.

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  1. sad. why its always when someone not at their house a fire starts, and as he said he have no electricity or anything on the stove. People can be very wicked, as we have seen some business places catch fire and also houses.

  2. @Doddell there is a guy who lives by me and has a wall house with no electricity as well and no stove but cooks his food on wood fire

  3. I watched the video on dbs and I could be wrong but the way this guy talks he looks and sounds like a drunkard. Maybe he was the cause of the fire and cant remember but like I said maybe. You know also I cant understand some of these reporters with the ridiculous questions they ask. The man is telling them he has nothing but the clothes on his back the reporter still asking him “so you lost everything” Duhhhhhh. now i understand why the pm does give you’ll the answers he gives.

  4. Young man keep praying and everything will be alright for you and don’t give up on yourself

  5. Am so sorry, but it looks like a rum face. May God bless you and take care of your suitation.


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