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Fatal Accident Victim’s Brother Suspects Engine Failure In Deadly Sarrot Crash


The brother of a fatal accident victim suspects that engine failure may have caused Sunday’s vehicle crash at Sarrot and claimed the life of Peter Leon.

Peter, 58, was the sole occupant of a vehicle that plunged down a precipice, ejecting him.

Emergency responders from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) headquarters in Castries responded after receiving a call for assistance at about 1:38 pm.

But a medical practitioner pronounced Peter Leon dead when the emergency crew rushed him to the hospital.

The deceased’s brother, Nicholas Leon, recalled receiving a message that his sibling was in an accident.

Nicholas Leon - Brother of Deceased
Nicholas Leon – Brother of Deceased

Nicholas said he arrived on the scene and went down the precipice.

However, he stated that his brother was already dead.

“Apparently, he was going up a hill, and maybe the van cut off and he go down in the precipice,” Nicholas told reporters on Tuesday.

He explained that his deceased brother was one of his workers and described him as ‘an iree fellow.’

“That was my last brother, and he always there with me. This morning when I get up, I say, ‘Waah, I won’t see mate coming to work. So it’s not easy,” Nicholas lamented.

Nevertheless, he said that he had to be strong in the circumstances.

“The man was with us Friday, giving jokes and everything,” Nicholas recalled.

Police are investigating the accident.

Headline photo: Peter Leon (Deceased) and mangled metal of vehicle that plunged down the precipice.

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  1. All the accidents you all having you all drink 2 much rum. For a small island with the highest rum consumption in the world, offcourse driving will be impaired and accidents will happen all the time because you all brains not right. Every community has at least 10 rum shops with no license. No government not cracking down on the practice in an age where these useless people should be working the land to help feed st Lucia and the dry Caribbean islands. Instead all they can do is buy chicken and rum to sell. That’s entrepreneurship? too much rum drinking and selling in this country! Accidents and social disease set in to destroy the young and old alike.

  2. Just so you saying what you want about the man ! The man should come for you cuz the man is a Christian he don’t drink alcohol. Didn’t you read it could be an engine problem he had ? My gosh man get your facts before you comment nonsense about people thank you OUT!!!!!!

  3. Out it seems to you that all accidents in st lucia are rum related. Dont you have a brain. Peter was heading to his garden and that road is very bad. Cliffs on both sides. You should take a drive up there lets see if you will make it . And dont be jealous of how we hustle in st lucia we all have bills to pay

  4. This person name OUT is such an idiot..You just jump to conclusion without having any clue about the circumstances surrounding the incident. Why is the incident called an accident? You seem to be painting everyone with the same brush. If u can’t make a constructive contribution, its better to say nothing.


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