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Police Investigate Report That A Boulder Crushed A Soufriere Man To Death


Police are investigating a report that a falling boulder crushed a 37-year-old Soufriere man to death while he worked on his farm at Fond St. Jacques.

The police received the report at about 11:45 am on Wednesday.

Resident points to boulder

Family members identified the deceased as Hilroy Pierre Louis, also known as ‘Big Show’, a father of two.

According to relatives, the hardworking family man was passionate about farming.

They disclosed that he went to his farm at about 7:00 am on Wednesday.

But the relatives recalled that they summoned a neighbor to look for him when he failed to return at around 10:00 am.

The neighbour brought the family the tragic news that a boulder had crushed Hilroy.

The family suspects that the boulder came down due to intermittent rainfall that loosened the soil.

One family member told St. Lucia Times that the death was a considerable loss.

According to the relative, the 37-year-old was a hardworking man with big dreams.

In addition to his passion for gardening, the deceased worked as a chef and bartender at an establishment in Delcer, Choiseul.

His relatives said they would sorely miss him, and it would take a long time to come to grips with his tragic death.

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  1. This is so heart breaking. Condolences to his family especially his kids. May God grant you strength in this time.

  2. Tragic! Productive, hardworking young man met his death while gardening to feed his family. May the good Lord open the gates of heaven for him and bless and console his family.

  3. the jombies bad boys that have to die them trash living how long god smh @u u eh see jombies that just giving trouble u not letting them die

  4. My condolences to the family and friends of this gentleman that lost his life so tragic but around this time of the year all kinds of freak accidents happens so people keep our eyes open and always say a prayers before you leave your house because it might be your last
    growing up around marquis estate that area called cacolee we had gardens in that stoney or rocky area I was always on the lookout for one rock to come rolling down but never happened then moved to trinidad working tractor in a quarry in caura mountains just north of Eldorado I didn’t get killed or hurt nor did anyone got hurt either then went to grenada working in stone quarry in Tempe just outside of st georges and again no death or injuries then back to st lucia cutting roads with an excavator on that hill bluiding windjammer landing 5yrs no death or injuries . I always say a prayer before doing any kind of work so people be safe out there life is no guarantee

  5. Wow … gone too soon for sure. May the Lord give comfort to his family and friends especially his children 🙏


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