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17-Year-Old Charged With Castries Teenager’s Murder


On Saturday, February 24, 2024 about the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Castries initiated investigations into a fatal stabbing at Ciceron, Castries.

This incident resulted in the death of seventeen-year-old (17) Mckay Jessie Jaidy Flemius, of Goodlands, Castries.

During the investigation, another seventeen-year-old (17) male of Ciceron, Castries, was arrested for causing the death of Mckay Flermius.

On Friday, March 1, 2024, the seventeen-year-old (17) was charged for the offence of Murder.

He was escorted to the First District Court for bail purposes where he was remanded pending an additional hearing.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. Photo: Stock image.

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  1. That’s Where He Should be kept for the Rest of his life. Stupid Young boys .Most of them is the Parents that have to be Blame .They don’t Visit the Schools to check their Childred Bshaviour nor check their Bags before and after School.They prefer to Gossip on Whatts App .Make B%%%.Use Drugs .Their Children was always a Good boy but just a Bit Troublesome .F??????.

  2. It is them women that just making children and can not afford to take care of them . The majority of the parents of the young boys are criminal themselves smoking weed and crack cocaine and drinking alcohol some of the women does even fire bullets with assault weapons just like the other cockroaches and cowards. The parents of the young men are not setting a good example for their children…

  3. It would be nice if the law and news outlets would disclose who his parents are…like what do they do for a living….are they affiliated with a church or religion….are they gainfully replied….are they living below the poverty line…etc….there must be a trend that could be stopped!

  4. This is a national tragedy. 17 year old charged with murder putting the rest of his life in jeopardy of a life long prison sentence. It is not always the parents fault. Some parents do the best they can and kids go astray. Parenting is just one factor. There is peer pressure, gangs, lack of education and societal failure.

  5. Some Lucians love to play the blame game at all cost – I know several individuals who grew up in poverty, single parent household in St. Lucia who went on to do great things in society – engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientist etc. etc. Some Lucians are illiterate and engage with uneducated partners have multiple kids who are also allergic to school and learning. Then they want to turn around and blame the government and society for their own personal bad choices – give me a break.

    Some take loans for carnival and then harass family members who work hard in freezing weather and snow begging for funds – go to work for yourselves and stop begging – malvatayees.

    Choices have consequences and we will all reap as we have sowed. There are places in the world with extreme poverty and guess what —- the folk learn to live within their means – they fish, plant, grow, eat and live. In addition, they are not violent – but live in peace. Some Lucians are bent on destroying themselves and the reputation of St. Lucia – what a shame.

  6. @ Mad Max & others. I agree there are bad mothers, but they didn’t make those babies on their own! “Takes two to Tango”. Women AND men on the island need to step up and strop breeding indiscriminantly. Poverty is no good for anyone. Love your children and teach values. Otherwise put a sock on It! Saint Lucia needs a BIG Campaign about contraception.

  7. As neighbor of the young man from Ciceron, we would often see him selling coconuts or fruits to neighbors as a way to get money to eat. Surrounded by his family but no one willing to help him or guide him this is just heartbreaking to hear.


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