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Police Launch Probe Into Discovery Of Body In Laborie


Police are investigating the discovery of a man’s body in Laborie on Thursday.

The discovery of the decomposing body occurred at about 6:30 am in a remote area.

Community residents suspect the deceased might be an individual who was missing for the past few days.

However, investigators have yet to identify the body officially and determine the circumstances relating to the death.

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  1. This individual was sick both mentally and physically. Lived alone and did not have a place of his own. Trust me, there is no foul play. He was always walking along the highway and had been hit once, which left him handicapped. Let him RIP

  2. Wow — in your 238 square miles where folk are familiar with each other if not personally by extension. Are social services non existent on the island of St. Lucia ???? At least the poor man should have at least been in an institution.

  3. In st.lucia I realize when you not popular and you poor not even your family can stand you..the individual was better off dying Rip

  4. jojo had his mum place to live at bay street jojo is professional maison and a French national from cayenne ok . he choose his ways

  5. RIP who ever you are. I’ve just lost my mum yesterday and she passed with her family. To pass on your own is so sad. Hope you find peace.

  6. It’s called..Karma? He chose his way out..
    Twas a soul needed a reality check..! I endorse my opinion and Observations..

  7. The first comment u en know shate . Jojo eat ever day never bought food he was getting an allowance helping out Keith . Keith always made sure Jojo was well fed .Jojo like wondering it was just in his nature .


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