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Saint Lucians Urged To Report Abuse Of Older People

Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs Minister Modes Jn Baptiste has called on Saint Lucians to report the abuse of senior citizens in a statement marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Saint Lucia, which has an aging population, expects a growing number of seniors in the coming years.

According to Jn Baptiste, Saint Lucians 65 and over represent 9.5% of the population.

However, the Minister observed that living longer does not necessarily mean living better.

“Our older population is particularly vulnerable to neglect and abuse, with members being often unable to defend themselves or get help, as fear, illness, and infirmity can be major barriers for them,” Jn Baptiste noted.

He recalled that Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre established the Elderly Affairs Unit to coordinate the delivery of services to older persons across all sectors and develop policies and programmes to empower and protect older people.

“Our Ministry will continue to strengthen our current services, such as Universal Health Coverage and the Golden 80 Plus programme, while working to expand and improve other services,” Jn Baptiste stated.

“We will promote healthy and active ageing, by reframing our view of ageing and ensuring that every older person thrives,” he said.

In addition, Jn Baptiste paid tribute to local organisations that support and protect seniors.

Nevertheless, the Minister called on all citizens to assist seniors by visiting an older person in their community.

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  1. @BALANCE Our current PM Pierre is an elderly abuse victim too…cyber bullying!

    He my not want to hear it, but he is elderly lol!

  2. We need to be grateful and thankful for elders. Anyone who abuses an elder – will be cursed with a cursed. I no longer reside in St. Lucia – however, we took care of our grand parents and our parents. We make sure they received the assistance they needed, as siblings we created a schedule and took turns spending the night at their home. We also, set up cameras to monitor the home health aides who worked during the day.

    We ensured they were properly cared for – to God be the glory. In addition, some of the elders look way better than some Lucians who are half their age. We should learn to always be kind to others as no one knows – in fact some younger folk also require medical care and assistance, rest assured it is not only elders who need care.


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