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ECCB Monetary Council Convenes 108th Meeting In Anguilla

Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), Timothy N. J. Antoine, will present the Report on Monetary, Credit and Financial Conditions in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU), when the 108th Meeting of the ECCB Monetary Council convenes at the Aurora Anguilla Resort and Golf Club on 19 July.

The meeting will follow the Ceremony to Mark the Change of Chairmanship of the ECCB Monetary Council from Council Member for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Honourable Camillo Gonsalves, to Council Member for Anguilla, the Honourable Dr Ellis Lorenzo Webster.

The Governor’s Report will address the stability of the EC currency and the ECCU financial sector, and economic conditions in the ECCU and the international arena.

The Council will also receive the report from the Technical Core Committee on Insurance and updates on key legislative matters including proposed amendments to the Banking Act, 2015, and the legislative framework for the Deposit Insurance System.

Additionally, the Council will be apprised on the operations of the Eastern Caribbean Asset Management Corporation (ECAMC) and the Eastern Caribbean Partial Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECPCGC).

After the meeting, Council Chairman and Council Member for Anguilla, the Honourable Dr Ellis Lorenzo Webster, will present the Communiqué and field questions from media practitioners in Anguilla at a media conference.

The Monetary Council is the highest decision making authority of the ECCB. It comprises the eight Ministers for Finance from the ECCB member countries.

SOURCE: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank

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