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de Caires Concerned About CARICOM Support For Ukraine

National Green Party (NGP) leader Andre de Caires shared his views on CARICOM’s collective stance regarding ongoing global political crises.

The wars in Gaza and Ukraine have featured prominently in mainstream media coverage due to their significant impact on the global landscape, including trade and world peace.

At the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held in September, Caribbean speakers, including Saint Lucia’s Minister for External Affairs, Alva Baptiste, delivered addresses outlining their countries’ positions on international conflicts.

In his address, Baptiste addressed the various challenges affecting small island developing states, including the ongoing political crises.

“We have the power to transform global governance to respond to the rapidly changing global environment. That time has come,” Baptiste remarked.

In response, political leader Decaires commended Saint Lucia and CARICOM’s stance on the conflict in Gaza.

“I must say, I’m proud of all our leaders for taking a stance against Zionism and the atrocities occurring in Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. I applaud the presentation by the Honorable Alva Baptiste. It was strong, hard-hitting, and it stood up for the oppressed people in Gaza and the West Bank.”

However, Decaires urged caution regarding CARICOM’s position on the Ukraine-Russia war.

CARICOM has consistently condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, reaffirming its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence.

The organisation has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and dialogue between the parties to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Additionally, CARICOM has aligned with the broader international community by supporting United Nations General Assembly resolutions condemning the Russian invasion and calling for humanitarian aid.

However, de Caires expressed concern that complete support for Ukraine might inadvertently involve supporting terrorism.

“My concern lies with our full support of the war in Ukraine. We support Ukrainians and Ukraine as a country, without considering the history and the massacres carried out by the Azov Brigade, a radical neo-Nazi force in Ukraine. Russia took nearly a decade to respond. These are Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the eastern Donbas region who were being terrorised by the Azov Brigade. We need to consider that these were the people Putin was trying to protect. He aimed to separate the eastern Donbas region from the rest of Ukraine, but this conflict has evolved into a proxy war for NATO.”

“Both the Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. support the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu, who is slaughtering innocent women and children. Therefore, I would cast a ‘no’ vote rather than fully support Ukrainians in this proxy war waged by NATO against Russia.”

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  1. @Andre: I commend you for coming to an accurate assessment regarding Baptiste. You must remember, however, that his performance at the UN had nothing to do with being astute with regards to world affairs (after all, a stopped clock is always right, twice a day). He was just half-extending his tin cup in the hope that the bankrupt western countries might drop a ha’penny in; he was hoping that St. Lucians back home were equally as ignorant as he!

    He might have impressed me (à la The Mouse That Roared) if he had chosen to publicly broach, on the world stage, the initiative to expel the US out of the UN under Article 6 of the UN Charter.

    Here is a discussion of that initiative:

    Article 6 Panel Discussion with Samantha Jansen

  2. Pancho I thought you just stepped out of politics!!!? Palestinian started this war by striking first a year ago on oct 7th…..did they not? Smmfh

  3. @105smmph: Knowledgeable readers and discussants will deem your comments to be a public confession (albeit via an alias) of your vulgar xenophobia and gross ignorance; but to my mind, that assessment is incomplete. Additionally, I see it as a loud cry for help in casting off the overwhelming shame you have endured, up to this point in your life, for said xenophobia and ignorance.

    Here is the intervention you so desperately seek:

    Norman Finkelstein: October 7th Revisited | Israel, Palestine, Hezbollah, & The End of Gaza

  4. All these wanna-be politicians and commenters sit here and say all these things without full knowledge of what’s going on. You are fed all types of info from all types of people with their hidden agenda. Go to the east and see for yourself or simply remain neutral on the issue!

  5. @Nudge
    You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
    In the age of information when you read comments like that it feels like an out of body experience.
    Zionism is apartheid in a different part of the world. Même bete.

  6. @nudge, I know I opened myself up too that, however…” a public confession (albeit via an alias) of your vulgar xenophobia and gross ignorance; but to my mind, that assessment is incomplete. Additionally, I see it as a loud cry for help in casting off the overwhelming shame you have endured, up to this point in your life, for said xenophobia and ignorance.” …….……
    wOw man or lady you getting on just like these 2 countries are ….acting selfishly with your disrespectful insults right deh an so let’s bring it down a level or notch shall we!!!? Smph

  7. @105mph: You still don’t get it that it was you who were disrespectfully insulting to readers with your xenophobia & ignorance! It is clear that you have neglected to erase your ignorance of the Palestinian Crisis by visiting the link I provided, so that your xenophobia (which originates from ignorance) might have been brought down a level or two, as well.

  8. @nudge I did visit but don’t have time to watch. 3 hour video on this ship yh and ….again wit yo insults u the xenophobia and ignorant one yo smmfh……


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