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Raymond forgives young females charged with blackmailing him


Government Minister, Doctor Ubaldus Raymond, has said that he has accepted apologies from two young ladies who were charged with blackmailing him.

He told reporters he is happy that the case is now closed.

Curshaby Alexander and Kershel Louis who were both 18 at the time were arrested after nude photos of Raymond were leaked online.

Raymond, who was Minister in the Ministry of Finance at the time, told reporters Monday that both accused have accepted their wrong.

They were very repentant in their apologies. I do accept their apologies and I always believe that forgiveness is always stronger than hate and revenge. I have forgiven these two young ladies for their criminal act against myself and my family and of course the rest of the country I would say, Raymond, who was recently appointed as Minister for the Public Service declared.

He said he wished the two well.

I encouraged them and told them that though they cannot erase their past however they need to focus on their future, Raymond explained.

He encouraged the young people of Saint Lucia to take the path of hard work and dedication.

The Minister asserted that therein lies success.

I am happy it has come to an end, he told reporters.

There had been calls in some quarters for Raymond to resign or be fired by Prime Minister Allen Chastanet, after the nude photos were leaked.

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