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Mother Of Missing Teenager Announces Plans For Massive Search


Unica James, mother of missing teenager Simeon Benjamin James, has announced plans for a massive search for him in the Dennery valley area on Monday.

The mother has mobilised relatives, friends, and neighbours to join the police in the wide-ranging hunt for the missing 19-year-old.

But she has also invited any concerned citizen to participate as well.

“We want to search as early as 6:00 am,” she toldĀ St Lucia Times.

“I will not lose hope because I do not believe my son is dead,” Unica declared.

Simeon, who was due to graduate from the Bocage Secondary School, left his Ti Rocher, Castries home one week ago to view a football match in the Dennery valley.

His mother said that after staying with a childhood friend, Simeon was due back home on Monday to prepare for his Bocage Secondary School graduation on Thursday.

But Unica said the friend did not see her son.

And despite enduring the pain of the death of Simeon’s father a few months ago due to illness, she declared that she is keeping the faith, and not allowing herself to drown in negativity because her son is still missing.

Headline photo: Simeon Benjamin James – Missing

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