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Pierre Warns Against Using Barrel Concessions For Illegality


On Tuesday, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre warned against using concessions on importing barrels to promote illegal activities.

” his is because of selfishness, Mr. Speaker, and if that continues, we may affect the majority of people because of a few selfish people who want to get their pockets lined by not following the law and doing what is right,” Pierre asserted.

Pierre, responsible for National Security, was speaking on a motion exempting imports of personal items, food, clothing, toys, and other household consumables in barrels from Value Added Tax.

The Castries East MP recalled that on several occasions, barrels contained items that were not food, care packages, or toys.

“This is spoiling the reputation of the country,” he told parliament.

He explained that the government is bringing further relief to people through barrel concessions.

The VAT exemption will run from November 1, 2022, to February 28, 2023.

In addition, the motion will exempt imports of toys, food supplies, and care packages by a member of the House of Assembly to benefit children, the vulnerable, and needy persons in their constituencies.

That provision will be in place from November 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023.

Headline photo: Philip J. Pierre (Stock image)

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