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‘I Should Not Be Burying My Son Who Was Working So Hard!’


It was a late-night telephone call that no mother wants to receive.

But on Wednesday night after 11:00 pm, Dorine Gustave got one – a voice on the other end relaying the tragic news that her son Lindel Gustave had been shot.

Dorine recalled running out of her home screaming, and when she arrived at the scene, she found her 35-year-old son lying on the ground.

“I told him just to hold on for his three-year-old. I said, ‘My boy, just hold on. The ambulance is on its way’, but it took so long to get there,” the mother told St Lucia Times.

She said her son was a hard worker who often left his workshop at about midnight.

“He was just finishing two caskets to deliver this morning, and when he was done, he went to get something to eat,” the mother recounted.

According to the police, at about 11:15 pm, they received a report regarding a shooting at Forestiere, Castries.

On arrival, investigators discovered that one of three unknown assailants had fatally wounded Lindel Gustave during a robbery at a nearby establishment in which they escaped with valuables they stole from the proprietor.

Lindel’s mother told St Lucia Times it was sad that young people are being killed by others who do not want to work but take what others have.

She told St Lucia Times that the bandits took her son’s bag containing documents.

” He was handling the sale of a vehicle. I don’t know if he had any money,” the tearful mother said.

“I should not be burying my son who was working so hard,” she declared.

The mother said her deceased son was one of the sweetest young men anyone could meet – the family’s comedian whom everyone loved.

She recalled that he had many acquaintances but not many friends.

Dorine was waiting for her son to come home when she received the news about the fatal shooting.

Headline photo: (L to R) Lindel Gustave (deceased) and his mother, Dorine Gustave

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