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Family Says Woman Died In Custody At BCF, Demands Answers

The family of a woman who arrived in Saint Lucia recently from the United States is demanding answers, saying they received information that she died while in custody at the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF).

Bernadette Jn Baptiste told St Lucia Times that the Laborie police had arrested her sister, forty-year-old Cecilia Augustin, who was here for her father’s funeral.

Jn Baptiste said Augustin was in a land dispute with a cousin when the police arrested her.

“On Tuesday night they called me and told me my sister had been arrested,” she stated.

“My cousin called and said she was harassing her with a knife so the police arrested her,” the sister explained.

But Jn Baptiste said she later learned that Augustin was at the BCF.

“I said: ‘Why they send my sister up to Bordelais?’ My sister didn’t do any crime and didn’t harass anybody. Why they sent her up to Bordelais? If you say she has a mental problem, is not Bordelais you all should send her,” she declared.

Nevertheless, Jn Baptiste said her sister had no mental issue but was a Christian who was “crazy in Jesus”.

Jn Baptiste said the family received news that Augustin had died at the correctional facility on Thursday night.

“They say she had a tummy ache and a backache,” the sister told St Lucia Times.

“They hold her in the cell for nine days from the time they arrest her – Laborie police station,” Jn Baptiste recalled.

She said Augustin went to the BCF on Wednesday, and the family heard about the death of the United States citizen and mother of two on Thursday night.

Numerous attempts to get an official response regarding the BCF incident were unsuccessful.

Headline photo: Cecilia Augustin – Deceased

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  1. sad state but you families that like to fight for land let this be a lesson to you. You will die but the land will still be HERE

  2. Sue the government. This is strange. How you keep her in a jail for 9 days and the woman has not been formally charged when you all quick to bail murderers. this st lucia is getting too crazy for me! As for those fighting for land, I have seen it in my community. now they are all gone and the land still there. Laborie land, Augier land, castries land, all land will be there and we will all be gone at some point.


  4. Why is it that Lucians always fighting for land – that is not of God. As she is a US citizen the family should contact the US Embassy. Those Lucians are messy and love obeah and voodoo just like the folk in Haiti. GOD WILL AVENGE ALL THESE BAGAWIRES FOR SURE

  5. the lady that died at the bcf the office them self that killed her by giving her ice cold water an after gave her hot tea to drink so want her family to know that bcf won’t say that but that’s what happen and for so long inmates were calling d officers there was no response with officers that’s what they do at bcf never want to stay in the units the office name is clovis the one that gave cold water an hot tea to d dead woman

  6. What nonsense is that?
    What I’m basically hearing from some people in here is that she right to die because she fighting for land.

    Why was she in a cell for 9 days when the maximum time in those cells are 72 hours. Was she charged? Remanded? No bail?
    What happened here? Hot tea and cold water killed her?

    So many unanswered questions.
    Someone needs to open their mouth and talk!

  7. If her death was delebrate St Lucians need to step up with a protest. About she wielding a knife we need to know the full story also. For the police to keep her in a cell for 9 days sounds like she told the officers something they didn’t like, maybe curse them or something but her death sounds suspicious.

  8. St lucia news online, please get all the information correct. Get the facts before yall publish. We are hear to read factual information. So I suggest yall take that shit down. Now Go n do a proper interview or rather investigation before people take yall to court

  9. Hot tea and cold water kill somebody? It seems to me you did your medical degree at the Bordelais Medical School. Hope you only practicing on yourself.

  10. So someone give her tea and she die? was that a special brew? well toxicology reports should say and the post mortem report should say if she had an underlying condition. but being in bordealis for 8 days was excessive just because someone accuse you and no court eh pronouce you guilty! sue them for millions! this aint no joke!

  11. The young lady was not fighting for land, nor was she any threat to the community, her father pased away and left house and land supposedly for his niece that was taking care of him, there supposed to have a legitimate will, stating the the house land and vehicle that the father own belongs to the niece, the young lady cecilia knows that the will is not legit not registered in St.Lucia, the previous one was so she and yhe cousin was in a back and fort the deceased was living at the fathers home and the cousin had to leave, the deceased felt it her dad’s house she she should be there, inspite of she did not deserve to die in this manner

  12. This is crazy what land what about the people from Hati money she took and promise them barrels.Tell her sister speak the truth she wanted a house her father gave the cousin.I’m not rejoicing her dead but speak the truth she fight with her mother that’s why she got arrested bullshit.

  13. The sister needs to speak the truth.She was fighting with her mother that’s why she got arrested and what about the people from Hati she took their money for barrels and they did not receive it.I am not rejoicing I feel for her May she Rest In Peace the sister needs to speak the truth bullshit

  14. Imagine some of you all just getting all worked up on what others say. Let’s ask and listen to the facts.
    It’s just sad how we treat each other. That land thing ain’t going to stop but. We must realize we are just passing through to use and enjoy the resources and make way.
    Bless up to all who read and comment.

  15. It’s rightfully her mom’s property in which her mom father owned. Which I understand the mother and father were still married. She was doing what was right and rightfully theirs. S.I.P. Celo.


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