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Work Resumes On Original SJH Construction Site


On Tuesday Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre finally opened the new phase of construction after more than five years of inactivity at the previously abandoned St. Jude Hospital (SJH) site.

More in this report from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister


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  1. Just rubbish talk the building is all phase 1 cand be used for medical training and finish phase 2 small minded people.

  2. God is just watching over St.Lucia .There’s Nothing in place in the event of Major Disaster with these International Flights Landing at Hewanorra International Airport.God is good I Hope the Hospital will be Completed soon

  3. The extent of the flagrant corruption snd immorality in St Lucia is so evident that over $100 million has been stolen and musmanaged in the St Judes Hospital debacle yet administrations can come in the media and in Parliament to boast of when they will finish this money black hole with no accountability for the outright theft.
    So ingrained is the corruption that no one mentions the $100 million that has disappeared but come beating their chests about ‘finishing’ the project.
    No inquiry, no forensic audit, no criminal investigation?
    We are indeed lost with no way forward.

  4. Transparency doesn’t have to mean being stupid! The worst finishing contractinf firm on island and possibly in the region appears to be the awardee…and the boss cunningly is not the face of this visit. He will import a bunch of Indians who cannot communicate to local workers…a perfect mix for disastrous quality issues. I am happy with fixing the old site but extremely disappointed at the choice of contractor…6 for 9 contractor.

  5. If the audit report is the center of this debacle, why doesnt someone request/sue the government to release a redacted copy of the report ?

  6. The audit report commissioned by the last administration, which did indicate exactly what the current PM said.

  7. Well we’ll well I’m so ashamed of pjp administration never again st Lucian’s are paying for something


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