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UWP Hosts Successful Protest in Castries

Hundreds gathered at the Derek Walcott Square for the United Workers Party led peaceful protest march held yesterday, Tuesday 01 November. It was a strong showing of supporters and members of the public carrying placards that addressed the many issues and concerns currently plaguing our nation.

Among the issues is the rapidly escalating crime situation and the most recent and controversial decision by the SLP government to giveaway two of the island’s seaports to a foreign entity, a move that lacked transparency and important detail.

Placards also identified the rising cost of living and fuel prices without any interventions by the government and its refusal to honour an election promise to give income support of $1,500 to Saint Lucians. Some called for the completion of the modern St Jude Hospital started by the United Workers

Party and abandoned by the Labour Party government, and for a referendum on St Lucia’s accession to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).

Many demanded the removal or resignation of the Speaker of the House, the Honourable Claudius Francis, for his alarming statement on television, threatening to use a bazooka and Baygon against certain citizens.

The United Workers Party is encouraged by the turnout and thanks all those who participated in the protest for their lively, enthusiastic and strong support.

We thank the Police for giving us permission to peacefully protest and for their fine management of the protest.

We thank the public for keeping within the requirements agreed to with the Police for a maximum number of 1,000 persons taking part in the protest.

The United Workers Party will continue to agitate in the interest of the public and to hold the government accountable.

SOURCE: United Workers Party

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  1. Chastanet is naive to the point of delusional. He calls everything a success. He handed $7 million to a con artist and that was a success. He squandered the nation’s money and that was a success. A few people turned out to a misguided protest and that was a success.

    Chastanet has made himself a cackhanded symbol of everything presently enraging St. Lucians. You have an opposition leader that is blatantly opportunistic, an opposition that has turned conspiracy theories and outright lies into its party orthodoxy; an opposition whose leader has proven to be a pathological liar.

  2. Ras Biko, since you are so competent and knowledgeable, please come run the country.This country has the most experts by mouth! From football and cricket experts to political professors. All they can do is talk with no experience, qualifications or track record. Just shut up please all of you useless, ignorant Saint Lucians!

  3. Seriously how does SLP wake up one day and decide to just sell the islands airport and ports? There are so many national security concerns: terrorism, drug trafficking, control of country exports and imports that can make things unaffordable for people in the island. Criminal and insane. This is what you people voted for. St lucia does not belong to the criminal elements in the SLP to do what they like. Cant wait for the island wide march. And call elections please we cant go on with these criminals in office.

  4. Ras Biko you must be the biggest Jack Ass on this island…. you are definitely a supporter of Pip. Not saying Chastenet was the best but pip is definitely the worst. Right there in line with Kenny. you people clearly have not been following politics from way back till present. you people have no idea what Governance is all about. Tell us the logistics in selling the ports to outsiders and I can show you over a dozen reasons why not to. when yall read the news and see people commenting just keep SHUT.

  5. What is the objective of the March? Did Chas tell the nation the amount of passports he sold during his tenure. Did he say what he did with the 863 million dollars he borrowed during his 5 years.
    Raa Biko don’t worry what people say, Chas said they are part of the 43%. Please print my comments there is no offensive language.

  6. So I woke up this morning and in my minds’ eye I begone to wonder, a loan Shark has out of the blue, landed the quickest deal in the shortest time in the history of his ‘admirable career’ by conning a bunch of nitwits, they say they run a Government they just won, so that qualifies them to make such deals; (any kickbacks?) you know, none of them have ever sat in a Boardroom with who matters/making such god forbidden deals, such as this/ SUCKERS/I thought the days of Piracy was over/shucks I forgot about the one, once in London, Oh forget him, an overblown Phd./ Can’t waste any much time/Lord, Lord, Lord – St. Lucia needs your help, we need you now/the Speaker is making an axx of himself and us all.

  7. Successful??? That protest was a complete and UTTER Failure! Chastenet is leading blind hacks and sycophants to the abyss, and they are not even aware of it.


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