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WATCH: Prime Minister Pierre Lauds 15th Taiwan-Saint Lucia Partnership Trade Show

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has lauded the 15th annual Taiwan-Saint Lucia Partnership Tradeshow which showcased aspiring and established entrepreneurs and business leaders.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. Tourism is a fickle volatile industry and has to be handled well to benefit the various communities. So tell me then, how are the vendors at Dennery View Point supposed to afford 750 a month rent for a booth after the bully in charge of the Dennery South Constituency Council imposed it on the people and the conditions of the booths are atrocious. Imagine the grounds are not being maintained knowing there are snakes there but every month the council is hounding people for the 750. The booths are falling apart and all the bully does is collect rent. The dummies on the council self are clueless and have been strategically placed to alow this bully to get away with his con ways because they are not business savvy or smart enough to challenge what he does. The vendors have been suffering since covid and the first order of business for the council was to raise the rent.. Imagine 150 must be paid per tent for one night at the fish Fiesta….really? The political swinger is victimising the people forcing them to leave because he wants the booth on View Point for himself. But 5 years is not forever. The council needs people with a variety of sound business knowledge and skills and political parties need to stop putting hacks in these positions because they serve no purpose … they actually contribute to the demise of the council and what it could potentially do to enhance the community

  2. talk and speak out ppl this is one individual what happen to the others? if you paying for cheese and get butter in return then fry their brains rather than using it for toppings. This is pure BS. Tell your mayor to take a hike up the piton…


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