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Three In Police Custody After Seizure Of Illegal Gun, Ammunition

About 3:20 p.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2022, along Manoel Street, Castries, officers attached to the Bicycle Patrol Unit, were conducting an operation, during which a Toyota Yaris was stopped for various traffic related violations.

An ensuing search of the motor vehicle, resulted in the recovery of a 9 mm pistol and four (4) rounds of ammunition.

The three occupants of the vehicle were all arrested by the officers and the motor car was impounded, due to fraudulent registration plates, being operated with expired registration and insurance certificates, as well as being operated by an individual without a valid driver’s licence.

The three suspects remain in police custody pending charging. An update will be provided in due course.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force. Headline photo: Stock image courtesy Tom Def –

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  1. A significant part of the solution to the gun problem, is the ability to search motor vehicles during police dragnets. I was informed lately that it is illegal to search vehicles during roadside checks. If such is the case, the law needs revision in light of the gun plague. What is the value of stopping a vehicle and requesting license, registration and insurance; when they have a machine gun strapped in the trunk. Which is the greatest threat? Such is the foolishness that lawmen are confronted. The cops must be given the tools to succeed.

  2. A huge thumbs up on your comment. SLU people (and the various administrations – to a point) want “crime purged”. How can that be achieved when the laws are archaic, not kept (not even by politicians), the justice system is a sham and laws are downright trodden upon. Tangled webs and blurred lines.

  3. You damn right. It is a joke at this point. Notwithstanding this lady COP has done more in her 2 months than those other 2 jackasses in their many years at the helm.

  4. The police needs everyone help to deter crime and criminal acts .the police can’t be everywhere all at once. If you see something say something. Also politicians makes reckless and dangerous statements with fuel crime just to be in power..

  5. “If you see something say something.”

    That’s pure BS. The number of times I’ve called the police to report infractions and they never do anything about it is beyond ridiculous.

  6. Seems like the time when criminals operated with impunity is over. The tables are turning quickly but let’s hope that this effort remains relentless until everyone is satisfied with his/her safety, The police should be rewarded with tougher penalties on those criminals.

  7. Just saying u An A.Hole, u cannot compare work success in just a short space of time in crime fighting because u Dont know the intention and plan of criminals…what do u think that’s NEMO after A Disaster…give her more time and then u decide…

  8. Success in ANY Crime Fighting situation if judged ON.1Whether the person in office mission had been Acheived..2..At what cost..(u dont know her mission…Current Police Chief…so) how can u tell she’s doin better, give it TIME..

  9. then y would u ‘say u call the police to Deal with fractions and they NEVER do anything’ , how is that helping the current police chief cause, isnt she the head of the police”force” ? U have to watch what u saying (No politics..just common sense)

  10. The names of persons involved in such crimes (illegal guns, etc) must be disclosed immediately to the public! That way other people will be able to fill in the law officers with other pieces of the crime puzzle! But I guess the “powers that be” will not do that because their objective is to stay in office, and not anything else. Besides, some of them are linked to the criminal elements ln the society. Then again, some of those in leadership positions simply lack the testicular fortitude (or balls) to implement such drastic (but necessary) measures anyway.

  11. Then AGAIN y would the fake Not russian VLADIMIR PUTIN Say “the powers that b involve with criminal elements, u shud NEVER SAY THAT.FOR fuck sake u used the world testicular, i expect ue intelect 2 refrainfrom sayin crime and powers that b are “in bed” think beta

  12. Then AGAIN y would the fake Not russian VLADIMIR PUTIN Say “the powers that b involve with criminal elements, u shud NEVER SAY THAT.FOR fuck sake u used the word testicular, i expect ue intelect 2 refrainfrom sayin crime and powers that b are “in bed” think beta


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