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WATCH: Pierre Administration To Pay LIAT, Majestic Industries Workers


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre’s administration will make severance payments to former LIAT and Majestic Industries workers.

The approximate compensation package value for the former employees of Majestic Industries and Liat 1974 LTD exceeds XCD 6.3 million.

More from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. I need my income tax returns…and how many more must die before you address the nation with a comprehensive crime plan.

  2. What about the Majestic Industries workers who have since passed away. Will their next of kin or children be compensated on their behalf? What a crying shame this is, twenty years after to be talking compensation. Better late than never? I guess…..

  3. Will the Pierre Administration also pay the NIC contributions deducted from the wages of the former workers but which was not paid by the management of Majestics Industries? I’m still astounded by the quality of reporting done by the staff of St.Lucia Times. No attempt is being made to ferret out the background to the stories printed. The mere printing of a story is insufficient to adequately inform an audience. Get to understand your craft.

  4. Another feather in your hat Most Honorable poor won’t forget you at the polls… had to come and do this nobody cared enough, not even their mighty Sir John all they wanted to do was built an impossible Dubai . They rob St Lucians and take us for poppy show. What a nice Thanksgiving ……….Mae Honey I am in the big apple without you for the Thanksgiving again pass thru to check them children I know you like your parade don’t worry you will see it next year.

  5. I am disappointed in ex-Majestic workers who have so hungrily accepted those scraps from the government’s manipulative table. This is done is such a cunning and underhanded way. Why are these people accepting ten thousand dollars after all these years of service. After being unceremonially locked out of a place of work? After some of you have died waiting for rightful and just compensation. I tell you Mr. Pierre et al we will not forget this at the polls next time. Not that I voted for you anyway. This is a disgusting sum and I’m ashamed they accepted it. Plus, there are people who have died and their beneficiaries are being made to walk up and down to lawyers offices and being asked between $5,000 and $7,000 to be able to collect this $10,000 payout. A lot of those legal fees go back to the government so essentially you get nothing for nothing. Imagine paying $7,000 to collect just $3000 of your dead relative’s estate. What a time to be alive. The workers could and should have held out and waited for more respectful, for want of a better word, payout. It’s blatant disrespect on the part of government and the union who negotiated this farce of a settlement.


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