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Crime: Francis Says Pierre Needs To Show Leadership


Amid a violent crime wave that has resulted in 64 homicides this year, former National Security Minister Hermangild Francis has said that Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre needs to show leadership.

Pierre is also responsible for national security.

“The Prime Minister needs to show some leadership. You can’t just go and say: ‘ Well, it’s another homicide’ and so on. You must start to put things in place,” Francis, a former Deputy Police Commissioner, told reporters.

He recalled that when he served as a Minister, he said there was a local gang culture and the presence of hit men.

Francis asserted that people now recognise it, although they ridiculed him at the time.

And while acknowledging that there’s legislation, the veteran former police officer questioned whether police officers have gang detection training.

“Are they sophisticated enough to know how to deal with the gang culture? We do not have that,” Francis observed.

He also spoke of organised crime, noting that some people who work nowhere own houses and have the nicest cars.

“Where is it coming from?” Francis told reporters.

In this regard, he said the Inland Revenue Department must investigate and seize assets ensuring that crime does not pay.

However, the former Minister declared that crime is paying because people are making big profits and having big houses and motor cars although they have not worked one day.

Francis believes the Saint Lucia crime situation is getting out of hand.

Nevertheless, he told reporters he consistently said that people should not blame any government for crime.

The former Minister said while in office people hammered him over his ‘incompetence’.

“Now it has come home to roost,” Francis declared.

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  1. Makes you wonder how many guns came into the island under the Francis’ watch. This thing didn’t happen overnight

  2. Not one I think there’s several hit men on island to many murders are left unsolved the police self have no investigating skills they don’t do surveillance drinking so much they belly how big these cops have enough resources get them some training

  3. Francis SHUT UP. Also how can u call a non leader to show Leadership. Not because he is in a leadership position means he is a leader. THE GUY BLAMES EVERYTHING ON THE PPL HE LEADING. Not everyone who has a child is a parent so…….. Francis u of all ppl should not even talk.

  4. I hate when these failures who had no answers in their time come and beat their flaps uselessly. Get lost hermin the vermin. How peep .dammit man WHERE IS THE NATIONAL SECURITY MINISTER? YOU CREATING ALL IRRELIVANT POSITION ALL IN CANADA TO GIVE JOBS TO THE GALS BUT OUR PEOPLE ARE DYING AND ABSOLYTELY NO SCTION FROM YOU…..AHWAH WI

  5. Politician are very good friends in real life. It is like wrestling. They are just good actors to the public.

  6. Those politicians are very good friends in real life. It is just like watching a wrestling match. They are just good actors to the public.

  7. Former and present minister of national security kindly note that the need for health care increases with age. Therefore, as leaders please preserve the future of nursing. We the students of SALCC department of nursing are being oppressed under the administration of the Nursing Department . As women please advocate for us now whereby we will be able to deliver quality health care to you and our country in the future. Thank you.

  8. Well now you nitwit Pierre has dethroned Francis as the worst minister of National Security. He will hold that crown for a long time cause I don’t see anyone doing worse than him.


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