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Pierre To Address The Nation With ‘Important Message’


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre will address the nation on Sunday, delivering what he has described as an ‘important message’.

The announcement came amid a violent crime spike resulting in 66 homicides.

The homicides included four fatal shootings this week.

“My brothers and sisters, I will address the nation on Sunday, 27th November 2022, at 7 PM. I am inviting everyone to tune in to this important message. I am looking forward to this engagement,” Pierre, responsible for National Security, wrote on his official Facebook page.

The National Television Network (NTN) will broadcast the PM’s message to the nation.

And other local media houses are expected to arrange for simultaneous transmission.

The announcement regarding the address to the nation did not indicate what matters the Prime Minister would raise.


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  1. I hope Pierre will inform the nation of his resignation. He has failed us a prime minister, hired a police commissioner who thinks that the worsening crime problem will be solved through prayers and has failed to stop corruption amongst government officials. Oh what a failure as PM.

  2. Let me tell you what exactly Pierre will say:
    1. Another empty promise
    2. He is going to throw some bullshit explanation
    3. The same thing by the same asshole but on a different day and time
    4. As usual, there will be no plan in his speech.
    5. He will talk about some renovated police station in the south
    6. Some added police vehicles so they can go drinking.

    what we need Mr. Prime Minister:
    1. Police reform
    2. Changes to the law to combat crimes
    3. Record Keeping of Criminals
    4. Tougher laws on the criminals – gun laws.
    5. Police management – keep track of the police activities
    6. Anonymous line so crimes can reported
    7. Account on each case

  3. Pierre needs to go all the way. Half measures will not work. He must treat gun crime like a crisis… which it is. That being said, I don’t think Pierre is the type who can go big on anything. Even when the country’s core business is being threatened. If I don’t hear words like extradition and no bail, I will know the speech is more bs. He has to be tough as nails.

    Ayay! Where is Mary? Article 3, the right to life is being violated almost every day. Clients are dying.

  4. Look like you want Pierre job. but you are a criminal yourself. this is what is wrong with my poor country. too many criminals like you are in office! vieux salop!

  5. All I want to hear he bringing in the Amy to clean this country, to much blood I don’t want to hear no campaign. Unless talk I’m tired it took pressure for you to came out .

  6. Pierre has not said what the important message is about. Pierre you are not going to address children. It is time you grow up mentally. You should have said what that address will include. I’m not going to tune in unless I know what it is about. Stop treating the public like they are kids you can dictate.

  7. Actions speak louder than words.
    I and sensible Lucians remember listening between 1997 and 2004 to these proven jokers when with a great tra la la they announced some ‘great earth shattering speech’.
    The result: Nothing.
    And the same failures then are the same now or their clones.
    With their managerial incompetence they put party hacks in charge, did not follow up or respond to feedback, only put in place what was satisfactory for them politically and quite frankly did not have a clue what they were doing.
    They actually reject competence. The SLP hot shots actually feel alienated from people with demostrated managerial skills. They feel impotent in the face of those more skilled than them so are adversarial to success in what is required to run the country.
    They only want compliant party hacks who will smooth the path for their talk take and travel which is why you see the friends and family all over the place and the rampant nepotism.
    So in this speech expect nothing. Do not get any hopes up. The makeup and focus of the SLP guarantees that the failures of this jumble of words on Sunday night are already baked into its implementation. It will do the following: Go after symptoms and not systemic problems, a guarantee of failure. Viciously attack the UWP and say why they are ‘protecting the victory’ Pander to specific groups with pappyshow words thought up by some ‘PR’ SLP clown. Have no sense of urgency or show an awareness of issues of concern to Lucians. Focus on that which does not affect them politically so will not make critical mature decisions. These people are boys playing in a mans’ world.

    Welcome to the circus where the SLP put lipstick on the clown and call her Beyonce!

  8. Wow. Important, Jerry the Jocker will be a Mean Easter ….. We give police van…Chastnet and UWP FAULT….we are better of the Jamaica and Trinidad. …America has mass shootings.

    MR PM, you need new ideas. Chas and the Clowns in the past failed, stand taller or hand over to Frederick.

  9. Hope is to tell us your solution for crime because you are failing miserably in that regard. I can’t believe this man. SLP has some powerhouse ex top cops in their midst who they can use for a national security task force but instead of thinking about the citizens safety they are busy creating positions in Canada to give jobs to their clique of gals and boys which by the way has absolutely no benefit to the people of this country …meanwhile the people who voted for better are living in fear. Then they talk about no resources to keep us safe. Smh

  10. That inept fool finally get the balls to address the nation hopefully to tell of his plans to truly address the unacceptable escalation of crime. We don’t want to hear Chas, Chas, Chas for heavens sake you’ve been the leader for almost a year and a half so your job, if not resign and let a true leader lead cause our country is bleeding under your incompetent leadership.

  11. Well, well, well; there we go again. St.Lucia times informs its readers that the Honourable Prime Minister will address the nation with an “important message.” Is St.Lucia Times an arm or a leg of the GIS or NTN? Why would any serious media house allow its editorial staff to submit this string of assembled words suggesting that the Prime Minister intended to surprise the nation by delivering what he described as an “important message.” Now, how important is this revelation? Should we simple folks conclude that previous messages by the Prime Minister have been unimportant? What scale does St.Lucia Times use to determine the level of importance of the Prime Minister’s messages? I’d like to believe that every time the PM addresses the nation he has something important to say; and therefore media people/journalists/reporters should endeavour to take their profession a little more seriously and ensure that readers are kept informed with matters of substance.

  12. The old rhetoric…Government can’t be held responsible for crime. Hee haw. Whilst the government can’t be held responsible the government has a responsibility to keep its citizens safe and must implement measures to help the police do its work, provide them with the tools and ehatever is necessary and to have a MINISTER dedicated to ONLY national security because the harsh reality is crime is rising and this reflects on the government. I agree with the person who said that PM failed in this regard. They are too busy creating and putting resources into irrelevant embassies and creating positions for friends all at the expense of the citizens of this country. We didn’t vote for that.

  13. Can the PM respect St.Lucians enough to indicate what this ‘important message’ is about?! Just getting sick and tired of these childish PR stunts! My goodness!!!


  15. Stop all the speculation about what his important message will be. Remember Kenny’s greatest address to the nation was to announce that Mandela would be visiting. This address will not address crime or strategies to combat it.
    He is simply going to announce that government workers will get their Backpay for Christmas and that the UWP had failed to leave up to the promise of giving workers their salary increase, but he is taking care of that because he is Putting People First.

  16. Pierre Speech “On July 26, 2021, my government was elected with a 15-2 mandate… Chastenet did not do anything about crime. I have given the police resources to fight crime. Crime is all over the Caribbean. My father was a policeman not me. Chastenet, Chastenet, Chastenet Tell them You lose! I beat you! Chastanet, Chastenet Chastenet..”

  17. Are you Lucian Highgrade? You sound like a hack. So because we don’t support Pierre’s clueless leadership that is the cause for crime??

  18. @ cautious, you have the wrong name, your name should be Alice. Alice in wonderland, cuz thats where you’re living. And mesmerized by the fart of your leader.

  19. I like this approach. The PM got them guessing and overly anxious to hear the good news. All those reading this will no doubt listen to the good news just as it is spoken. The bad news is, some will not hear what they anticipated, and will be disappointed. This will be a lesson learnt. Stop !

  20. I hope that important message include the statement, ‘ I tender my resignation as Prime Minister and ministry for national security for failing in my role entrusted in me by the people of Saint Lucia ‘. I await that so called important message and will withhold my scathing attack till I hear the substance of the so called important message…..over to you PM Pierre.

  21. Such a disappointment. Rushing home to listen to the PM and I got a prerecorded Facebook live. Zero substance! That’s what we as a people deserve. Bro could have just sent this video via whatsapp since Friday. A whole press release to advertise the release of a video.

  22. Stop using the police as your scapegoats!!!!!Corruption is what happen in London under a dis earnest regime. St Judes and HIA under GUY. Hurricane Allen.etc etc. The police are doing what they can under the Minister of No Affairs and Minister of National Insecurity.

    Competing for resources like any other department is not working no furniture, no computers, no stationary, no uniforms, no printers….etc etc. It’s time they expose incompetence of those civil servants, accountants, procuring specialist, politicians. Super PS, Consultants, Snakes.

    PJP, Maundy the PAN (PLAN) not working.
    Your just keep going around in circles.

  23. Well you want us to help you then you gonna jail us are you giving guns to help father that man Lucian need to understand man never came into power to better this country. But to destroy us for being stupid enough to vote them in.poor lucia she in pain and can’t deliver


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