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Albert-Poyotte Says Criminals Trying To Recruit Children

Home Affairs Minister Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte has expressed concern that criminal elements are preying on vulnerable children to recruit them into a life of crime.

The Babonneau MP spoke to reporters on the sidelines of a Cabinet meeting on Monday.

She told them that some current crime surges in Saint Lucia and the Caribbean are due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“You notice that during COVID, a lot of our young people were idle,” Poyotte recalled.

“A lot of our children were not in school, and therefore some criminal elements are trying to recruit them into criminal activities and offering them some money. So that is a breeding ground for criminals and therefore, we are seeing that upsurge in crime,” the Minister observed.

“Criminal elements see the children as very vulnerable. They will offer them money, and then they will arm them with the guns and the children do not have a fear,” Albert-Poyotte explained.

According to the Minister, because the children have no family or responsibilities, it is easy for the criminals to win them over.

“We have to pull them back,” Albert-Poyotte declared.

In this regard, the Minister spoke of the need to put a lot of resources into social programs.

“We have to go into the schools,” she explained.

Albert-Poyotte noted that the government is now putting resources in the hands of parents.

“As a parliamentary rep. I give a lot. The government is giving a lot to support parents to keep the children in school,” she told reporters.

The Minister also revealed that according to Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) statistics, the average  age for individuals entering the facility is now lower.

“We notice its a lot of young people who are coming into Bordelais,” Albert-Poyotte told reporters.

Photo by Roman Poberezhnik on Unsplash

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  1. Makes sense but need the specific statistics such as their ages and data on children recruits. Fighting crime is everyone’s business, but we expect the laws, courts, police and elected officials to do what it takes to keep us safe.

  2. As part of this mindless government, Mrs. Poyotte, you have it wrong again. The guys are not recruiting. The criminal elements have become role model for the youth. With no hope in your government, unfortunately, they see hope in the criminal elements. With homicide at 75 last year, didn’t the government see the urgency in investing in our teenagers? You went to borrow millions of dollars for your so-called “Youth Economy” in an economy that is sinking. Do you guys expect the youth to take a loan today to open a buisness? Not even the tourist are coming. The banana industry collapsed. I am still awaiting a plan for the Vieux Fort South constituency which is a growing problem, the whole country knows about. (It has not been at its worse yet). Nipping the crime problem in the bud does not seem to be a concern for this government. In about 1.5 years there are no clear plan for the youth. Sports is in a mess. Thank to Black Heart for keeping football alive. And the government is talking about buying vehicles to combat crime? You are aware that guns are coming through the seaports why not invest in a barrel screener like there is in Trinidad instead of all these vehicles, running after nothing. Fighting criminal elements are difficult. Why not restrict their supplies? Why not divert the attraction of our children from the criminal elements? There is no short-term remedy for these criminal activities. Not 100 vehicles. ORC worked for a short time. Build first-class sporting facilities for our children with professional programs together with proper schooling facilities, which must include about 4-5 technical schools around the island. This will curb crime long term. Our children will not be attracted to the criminal elements.

  3. Release a lot Mary Issac-ish. No actual research to back up their assertions. Just shooting from the hip with no facts!

  4. According to the minister…… “She told them that some current crime surges in Saint Lucia and the Caribbean are due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    I do not agree ..why… because several folk also used Covid to be creative and innovative and came up with business ideas. Make no excuse these thugs are opportunistic good for nothings who have purposed in their heart to kill, steal and destroy. I might add that some of the parents are good for nothings as well.

    How would you rehabilitate an entire family who for generations past and present have done nothing good but only destruction for their society.????

  5. Covid pandemic didn’t do anything. Right now, no masks, no restrictions and no covid. It is those morons and their idiotic response to covid that led to destruction of many small businesses, loss of job, loss of income all happening to the middle and lower class. While the Massys continued to rake in the millions. It was all planned to consolidate power and wealth in the hands of a few. Society and it’s consequences be damned.

  6. What a great observation from Poyotte. Criminals recruiting children and COVID has caused and upsurge in Crime. On 2nd thought this RIDICULOUS set of words from Poyotte are not worth commenting on. Oh the age of inmates are now lower. Where are the numbers to compare. SMBH. Are U Dumb My Girl are U Dumb.

  7. Lawwddd, another leh leh trying to pretend to know their butt from their elbow. Nothing but platitudes and bor lahwee logic. Give us some guidance, give us something new and meaningful, a semblance of a plan. Heads empty like the pans y’all were beating. Empty vessels indeed make the most noise.


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