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UWP Plans To Share Recommendations On Dealing With Crime


The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has announced plans to share its recommendations on dealing with crime during a live press conference on Wednesday, November 30, at 10.00 am.

In announcing the event, UWP leader Allen Chastanet invited citizens to join the party’s Facebook pages for the activity.

It comes days after Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre’s address to the nation on Sunday on crime.

In the address, Pierre, responsible for National Security, outlined several anti-crime measures amid a violent crime wave that has resulted in 66 homicides this year, four of which occurred last week.

But the opposition leader has declared that the government’s response to the ‘surging crime situation’ has been ‘inadequate’.

“Prime Minister Pierre keeps blaming everyone instead of coming up with a comprehensive plan to tackle this persistent issue, especially the daily incidents of gun violence,” Chastanet wrote on Facebook.

Headline photo: Officer takes part in police operation (File photo)

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  1. Joke of the century… One would think we got there overnight. The least they can do is own up to it. All data points towards 2017 when it all went wrong.

  2. WTH is this? A missive to inform persons of a Facebook event? What a joke!! I’m sure that was the hurricane’s idea. Hilarious 😂😂😂😂

  3. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (fall on the floor).
    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (water).

    Who will be providing info …Duh Security Guy?

  4. The CLOWN 🤡 🤣 😂 is having a live Facebook show at 10:00 talking about how he bring the country to this state of affairs during his tenure. This CLOWN just don’t know when to quit, I wish someone would put some sense in his head and step down as opposition leader and let a new leader take control of once our conservative party. We had enough of his shows. (Just Tired)

  5. Chastanet please spend time with ur wife instead cause when u were prime minister u had no time . You were jumping from plane to plane country to country until one day she had to hide your traveling documents.

  6. This is laughable! UWP ignored the problem allowing it to snowball. Crime is a low hanging fruit for UWP. There is no quick and easy solution. We just have to keep on attacking it with judicial system, resources, social reform, education and creating alternative opportunities to crime.

  7. For the first time in our history we had a triple murder, was during the reign of the last administration. We had it thrice during their tenure . I stand to be corrected but certainly twice. Unprecedented ! What did they do about it ? The problem we have can only be corrected with stringent law enforcement and punishments that will effectively deter others from committing crimes.

  8. Started way before that. Began trending upwards in 1997. Want to know what happened in 1997? Sure you can figure it out.

  9. A pre-amble to what? Man just share the plans already! All over here advertising that you all WILL share something. Go get a job!

  10. Please Andy Daniel, Azzie boy, and other influential persons in the party, please take out chastanet as opposition leader cause we will not win the upcoming election. Please I beg you. Let him run just the micoud seat but not opposition leader. We don’t like him. Many people in the party don’t and you’ll no that

  11. I would laugh except that peep takes the cake for being even worse that hermin the vermin as national security minister.

  12. @Trend, you red john crow, red clown, stop being an idiot. You know it started before that. You know damn well how the politically IMPACS made things worse. And you know the Most Honourable KDA was the one that brought impacs that emboldened the criminals.

  13. Here are a few easier and cost-effective solutions:

    Save money from drones and invest instead on putting up surveillance cameras on business places, with higher concentration on those areas around the criminal hot spots. These cameras are monitored remotely by well-trained and well-paid individuals, ready to dispatch a ‘specially trained’ unit of police to any location where a camera is tampered with or they notice suspicious activity.
    Any businesses that don’t comply are shut down and the location will still be used for surveillance. In this way, no one can be bought out to tamper equipment or threatened out of helping the common good. Its better than a drone operator with vague descriptions trying to find suspects through galvanize or concrete walls AFTER the fact.

    How to pay for it?
    Cancel all major government funded festivities, including fireworks, saving millions. Public congregation as it stands right now is a risk. This also gets the public to hate the bad boys for ruining the vibes for everyone.

    Next, a name and shame program. Before in saint lucia was “each one must help one” or “poor jab” now you sooner hear: “that one have AIDS (how would you know? Did YOU knowingly give them AIDS??), that boy gay, that girl making bomb, that one have dirty hands” (meanwhile they spending all their little coints to do obeah on their neighbor). It’s a favourite past time of the PATHETIC and JEALOUS individuals among us with a crabs in a barrel mentality. They spread lies about people they cannot have or can never be or whose light irritates their demons. They like to criticize instead of congratulate, and sabotage instead of support at ALL economic brackets hence saint lucias slow crawl to progress. You look at the person and who they are criticizing and you see they are talking out of jealousy. maybe it’s looks, maybe it’s money, maybe they cannot stand to see somebody happy with themselves when they are over there miserable. But we can use this practice of the envious and pathetic to our benefit. Tell the TRUTH, shame the devil.

    Anyone harbouring a gang member or wanted person suffers public shaming, not just being fined. Any mother, botin-carer, sister, brother, nenen, poweh, daughter, son, grandmother, etc will have their picture taken and their community will be mentioned in the news and on the newspaper. Oh, and don’t get too excited. No glamour shots with filters or posing either. ONLY mug shots, no teeth in curlers snaps. They will be known for associating with criminals “junior vash, son of clara vash and whoknows joseph of inahole, somewhere, stlucia, will be set to hung for the crimes of violent robbery and murder on… ” This will reduce the incidences of parents opening their mouth to say anyone was good on TV when they knew the little fridge and jewelry junior brought home was illegally obtained. Staying silent is just as bad as the wrong doing. Cowardice allows poor behavior to thrive.

    The neighborhoods are mentioned as well so community members feel more responsibility in ensuring all the children are on the right track. No laughing at people’s problems. Peter pays for Paul. So Paul will make sure to look after all. No more crabs in a barrel to compromise people’s progress.

  14. @ I don’t take bribes – you are spot on with your comment. The only issue in my opinion is that those highly skilled camera monitors would most likely give a heads up to the criminals in exchange for ill gotten gains $$$$$$$ instead of ensuring that officers are dispatched. You already know the my girl my boy syndrome — just saying.

    “Next, a name and shame program. Before in saint lucia was “each one must help one” or “poor jab” now you sooner hear: “that one have AIDS (how would you know? Did YOU knowingly give them AIDS??), that boy gay, that girl making bomb, that one have dirty hands” (meanwhile they spending all their little coints to do obeah on their neighbor). It’s a favourite past time of the PATHETIC and JEALOUS individuals among us with a crabs in a barrel mentality. They spread lies about people they cannot have or can never be or whose light irritates their demons. They like to criticize instead of congratulate, and sabotage instead of support at ALL economic brackets hence saint lucias slow crawl to progress. You look at the person and who they are criticizing and you see they are talking out of jealousy. maybe it’s looks, maybe it’s money, maybe they cannot stand to see somebody happy with themselves when they are over there miserable. But we can use this practice of the envious and pathetic to our benefit. Tell the TRUTH, shame the devil.”


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