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Chamber To Tackle Crime Issue At Security For Business Symposium


Security for Business is the name of the half day Symposium which the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture will convene on December 6, 2022.

The intention is to bring to the business community several practical approaches which can be applied to protect their Team Members and Business from crime.

At the 138th AGM hosted on November 16th, 2022; President Trevor Louisy spoke to the issue of Citizen Security as priority item on the Chamber’s Agenda.

The Chamber has reached out to the Royal St. Lucia Police Force to provide details on tactical approaches to tackle crime participating firms.

The symposium is expected to be attended by a wide cross section of firms from across the island.

The Christmas Season has traditionally seen an increase in attempts at burglary, break-ins, and other nefarious activities and as such the Chamber is seeking to empower its members through information and practical solutions available close at hand to protect themselves.

In collaboration with several firms who provide security services, the Chamber is hosting this important and informative Symposium.

Partners of this initiative include Innovative Business Solutions Inc, FLOW and Guardsman (St. Lucia) Ltd, on Tuesday, December 6th from 9:00am – 12:00pm.

The St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture takes this opportunity to extend gratitude to its partners for their support of this initiative. Members of the Business community are expected to join forces with Chamber as the Citizen Security agenda is forwarded through this engagement.

SOURCE: St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. Headline photo courtesy Flex Point Security Inc. (



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  1. We also need to look at other social determinants of crime such as emotional abuse, lack of emotional support and mental abuse. We as students nurses at SALCC are confronted with those variables daily within the department of nursing. Nothing is being done about the highly questionable administration in the department of nursing. As customers of SALCC we are of the view that our adverse emotional and mental state is of no concern to the College seniors management community. Money is certainly to top priority. Very unfortunate.


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