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Central Statistical Office Responds To Concerns Over ‘Politics’ Questions In Census


The Central Statistical Office has responded to concerns that there are questions relating to politics in the questionnaire for the 2022 National Population and Housing Census.

According to Statistician Urmain Gray, the questionnaire contains a variety of modules.

Gray indicated that they include education, economics, agriculture, health, and the household section module.

“There are no modules which directly relate to any political questions or any questions relating to the government of the day,” she disclosed.

“We are appealing to individuals to listen to the questions that are being asked by the enumerators and also ask questions in return to understand the questions that are being asked of them,” Gray said.

“If you have an issue, get clarification from the enumerators,” the Central Statistical Office official advised.

Gray explained that the purpose of all census questions is to give policymakers critical information for planning and development.

The 2022 National Population and Housing Census will extend into early 2023 with over 600 enumerators  involved in administering the census questionnaire.

According to the Central Statistical Office, the census has been progressing, covering about 60 percent of households in Saint Lucia.

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  1. And who is concern about the emotional, mental and financial abuse of our student nurses at SALCC.

  2. One questionable administrator at SALCC will cause the entire SALCC community to collapse. Please focus on the nursing department at SALCC. Thank you.

  3. Same way people say yall asking about the number of sexual partners they’ve had and yall dont know about it. If you guys are so clueless about the census, how can we trust the data coming out of it? Square peg – round holes.

  4. Why is this census so controversial in nature. When we supposed to be smarter, more educated that’s when a census is dragging on for almost a year. Why don’t the statistics department realize it is the qualify of enumerators and supervisors they employed this time around that’s causing this thing to get out of hand.

  5. @SLP to the Bone … it is NOT the quality of the enumerators … it is the “quality” of the populace who have not a clue about how and what a census of a country brings forth. A lot of people find the questions “invasive”, but they are necessary questions to “guide” our already misguided leaders in what is wrong, and what is right about the operations of the country. Just call the questions a “necessary evil”.

  6. When I heard on the news that people were asked political questions, one thing came to mind is these people who said that must be related to Chastanet. They are LIARS similar to Chas. Oh they are calling Chas Unkle Chas.

  7. I was not asked any “political” questions … They were quite general. Again … “yo dee” instead of facts. I must get to know who this “yo dee” is.


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