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Pierre Lauds BCF Anti-Crime Video


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has lauded an anti-crime music video released by the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) featuring inmates, officers, and former Soca Monarch, ‘ Kakal’.

The video, done in collaboration with Studio 758, was released on Saturday amid an upsurge in violent crime.

The production title is ‘Crime And Violence Must Done.’

“That is commendable,” Prime Minister Pierre said regarding the video production.

“We support that. That’s what we’re looking for,” the National Security Minister told reporters on Monday on the sidelines of a Cabinet meeting.

“We are asking for support. We are asking for unity. We are asking people to get together and stop the gloating. It does not help anyone,” Pierre asserted.

He described the current crime situation as horrible and one that he detests.

And Pierre declared that he would do all in his power to stop it.

“But I can’t stop it today. Nobody can,” the Castries East MP observed.

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  1. This is a mockery, these men behind Bars are singing songs of gladness. Glad that they are free to sing, and to whom, not to the victims and the families who they have brought tears and sadness to. Are they all are, or just some are Murderous Killers?
    This is not rehabilitation, more a mockery and we don’t need their songs; let them sing to the Judges, the Governments past and present and the silly ass who conceived this mockery – they need prayer only to be converted & for Salvation for Gods’ mercy. Amen.

  2. Philip J. Pierre you can laud the music video all you want this is not going to solve the problem. What you need to do is lock people up, surpress the bail option for gun related offenses, and increase police resources. That’s your only hope.

  3. Meanwhile my child being bombarded with music telling them to bust shots, use cutlass and kill people from a bar next to my house. I called the police several times about the disturbance but nada.

  4. This person in the PM office is ridiculous and unbecoming of the PM title. Make him the Mayor of Menard Hill instead.

  5. This simpleton is so easily impressed. A lackluster song with the participation of a bunch of convicts will address the crime issue. Gosh, where did this fool get his P.M. *degree* from, Tr*mp University?

  6. Wasn’t Kakal the officer that shot the boy down south? Ajani I think his name is they say he ran from them and found a “gun” next to his hand.


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