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Pierre To Chair Council For National Security & Law Enforcement

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre is to assume the Chairmanship of the Council for National Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE) from Jamaica’s National Security Minister, Dr. Horace Chang, whose tenure ends on December 31.

Chang was in Saint Lucia last week for talks with Pierre, who is also Saint Lucia’s National Security Minister.

CONSLE is an organ of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) that formulates and coordinates regional security policies.

“It is my honour to assume the Chairmanship of the Council for National Security and Law Enforcement,” Pierre wrote on Facebook.

And on behalf of CARICOM, the Saint Lucia Prime Minister thanked the outgoing Chairman for his service to the region.

“I look forward to collaborating with other governments to ensure the security and freedoms of our people,” Pierre stated.

In October this year, CONSLE held its first in-person meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

The Jamaica gathering made gun trafficking and homicides using firearms a significant focus and highlighted the need for closer collaboration on transnational crime.

Headline photo: (L to R) Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre & Dr. Horace Chang

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  1. Here we go again – obviously someone is not paying attention.

    First of all – Pierre’s constituency voted for him for 25 years without any progress from Pierre. He could not manage a constituency.

    Secondly, he con artist was able to convince Lucians that he was the most readied PM in the region to lead St. Lucia. Well we all have our own story about that in St. Lucia. While St. Lucians will have their own way of tell that story, they all will end up disappointed.

    Now the regional countries do not seem to be paying attention. The same Pierre who has not been able to draft a plan for the Security of a piece of land which is about 238 sq miles will be given a new set of responsibilities – this is ridiculous. The guy will come up with the same excuses day in and day out.

    I am not sure how Pierre is getting away with murder locally and regionally but I sure want to be like Pierre when I grow up. I want to be able ignore all of my job description and still get promoted whenever there is a promotion.

  2. So all the press releases and all the Facebook post by Hilaire, now the real story coming out – “Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre is to assume the Chairmanship of the Council for National Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE) from Jamaica’s National Security Minister, Dr. Horace Chang, whose tenure ends on December 31”. So that’s why the man was here. Ok.

  3. @sameguy in St. Lucia within most organizations, the worst performers always get promoted. If you think I’m wrong ask around. Now PIP is the biggest example of this that you call “lick a***” according to the trinis


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