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Arrests For Looting As Deadly Blizzard Leaves More Than 60 Dead Across US


Police in the New York City of Buffalo have reported several arrests for looting as a deadly winter storm left more than 60 people dead across the United States.

And officials say more arrests are likely.

Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gragmalia disclosed that people were destroying stores and stealing whatever they could get.

“They’re opportunists,” Gragmalia declared, while Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown described looters as “the lowest of the low”.

“”They’re not looting food and medicines, they’re just looting items that they want so these aren’t even people in distress,” Brown told a news conference.

At least 28 people have died due to the storm in New York’s Erie County, as Buffalo experienced up to 50.3 inches of snow.

A travel ban was in effect in the City of Buffalo where thousands were without power.

“Please do not drive at this time, or you could face a summons,” the Buffalo Police Department tweeted on Monday.

Local reports indicated that conditions improved Monday, making it easier for rescue crews to reach stranded individuals.

And across the US, at least 62 people have died in weather-related incidents.

The arctic blast also has snarled holiday travel.

It forced the cancellation of thousands of flights within, into, or out of the US.

As a result, passengers were stranded at airports across the country.

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