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SLASPA Reports ‘Minor Default’ With Ceiling In Area Of HIA Arrival Concourse


There has been a minor default with the ceiling within the Meet and Greet area of the arrival concourse at the Hewanorra International Airport.

Airport maintenance has established temporary remedial measures to ensure smooth operations for today, December 31, 2022.

SLASPA’s Engineering and Airport Maintenance team will mobilize after the last flight this evening to reinstate and repair the ceiling, as mentioned.

SLASPA apologizes for any discomfort in the passenger experience.

SOURCE: Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority. Headline photo: Screen grab from social media video.

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  1. Pray tell, what is a “minor default”?

    Is it anything like the “vy-tee-vy” tagging used on the front page of the St. Lucia Times website, this past month?

    Have you guys sunk all discretionary income into FTX Ukrainian crypto, and cannot now afford competent writers & web admins?


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