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Male Senegalese MPs Jailed For Attacking Pregnant Female Legislator


Two Senegalese opposition lawmakers who attacked a pregnant colleague during a budget discussion have received six-month prison sentences after a trial that began on December 19.

The male legislators attacked Amy Ndiaye for criticizing a religious leader.

The judge mandated that Ms. Ndiaye receive five million CFA francs ($8,100) in compensation from Massata Samb and Mamadou Niang.

During a regular budget debate on December 1st, Mr. Samb approached Ms. Ndiaye and hit her in a video that received wide circulation.

Ndiaye responds by hurling a chair.

But a different male MP kicks her in the belly, sparking a brawl as other legislators tried to calm the situation.

There were fears that Ndiaye, who fainted during the chaos, would lose her baby.

And her lawyer said although a hospital discharged her, she remained in an ‘extremely difficult’ situation.

Lawyers for the two accused MPs had argued unsuccessfully that the men were immune from prosecution.

Headline photo: Screen grab from video

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