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Pierre Congratulates Gaston Browne On Election Win: “The People Have Spoken!’

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has congratulated Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) leader Gaston Browne on the recent election win in his country.

“Join me in wishing Prime Minister Gaston Browne and the Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party congratulations on their victory at the polls. The people have spoken and entrusted you with leading them for yet another term. I pray for your Government’s success, especially during this volatile global climate,” Pierre wrote on Facebook last week.

A photo of Pierre and the Antigua & Barbuda leader accompanied the Facebook post.

Browne took the oath of office on Thursday as Prime Minister after leading his party to a slim election victory.

The ABLP won nine of the 17 seats at stake for a third consecutive term in office, down from the 15 seats the party held after the 2018 general elections.

After the win, Browne acknowledged that a third term would have been difficult in the face of the residual challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, the escalation in food prices, and other matters over which his administration had no control.

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  1. Phill its only a matter of time – in the mean time – complete the modern Hospital.
    Reverse the sale of the two Harbours. Clean Castries of Plywood huts and Junk.
    Make Tenants pay their fare share of their CDC rent; no monkey business.


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