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Ministry Of Equity Pays Tribute To Late Community Activist Yves Renard


The Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment joins in mourning the passing, while celebrating the life accomplishments of renowned community activist Yves Renard.

Over the years Mr. Renard lent his time, energies and efforts in making sterling contributions to overall development on Saint Lucia, having collaborated closely with officials of the Ministry of Equity, notably through the Community Services Unit.

The community activist, who also had a deep passion for music, expressed via his participation in Labowi Promotions, a group he helped form and which championed the bringing of Jazz to Laborie, was instrumental in the creation of a strategic development plan for the Ministry over a decade ago.

Yves Renard is also acclaimed for his work in several areas of development such as climate change, sustainable development, the arts and community tourism.

He was also a pillar in the constituency of Laborie serving as a driving force for development in the south-western village.

The Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment extends condolences to his family and friends.

 SOURCE: Ministry of Equity, Social Justice and Empowerment

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