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UWP Urges Removal Of Alvina Reynolds As Senate President


The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has urged the removal of Alvina Reynolds as Senate President over the temporary appointment of Silas Wilson as a Senator.

UWP Public Relations Officer Lenard Spider Montoute told a news conference on Wednesday that the opposition party had ‘great concern’ over Wilson’s temporary appointment on January 19.

Montoute said the appointment contravened the Saint Lucia Constitution.

Quoting Section 26:1, the former Gros Islet MP explained that an individual contracted to the government does not qualify to be appointed as a Senator.

In this regard, he called on Alvina Reynolds to apologise for what he described as the blatant breach of the constitution.

“As President, she ought to know the laws of Saint Lucia and should have refused to appoint someone who does not qualify,” Montoute asserted.

He also called on Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre to ask for her removal as Senate President.

According to the UWP Public Relations Officer, Reynolds is not competent to hold the office.

The Senate President told St Lucia Times she had no comment on the matter.


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  1. Well, If what is said is correct by Spider then Alvina must go. We cannot afford to have incompetent person in this position. Please do us the honors – just leave.

  2. How many blinders is this SLP administration gonna make before we the people demand accountability from them. The former senate found himself in hot water, questionable ministers, house speaker on putting the country further in debt because of their obsession with Chas and now this. These people truly don’t know what they’re doing and I support Spider she have to go along with the speaker smh

  3. As the loyal opposition, if you don’t agree with the government’s position on any issue just call it incompetent, out-of-step, bizarre and outrageous. Mr. Spider, we are tired of this worn out argument . Try to sound more profound and convincing. It’s like you are just blowing out hot air like your boss. Can’t you formulate a more compelling argument? What you and the UWPs are saying and doing are incompatible, as a result, the people see you guys as clowns and jokers. Did Chastanet ever respect any sections of the constitution?

  4. They too busy fighting down the qualified in favor of failures and unqualified. Alvina was the worst minister ever to grace our shores. Her sister covered up all EH sins in London so they’re keeping her happy so she keeps her trap shut. Serves them right. Also, Claudius needed taking down a peg or 2….his arrogance is always on display when SLP is in power….wannabe lawyer. Things can never go well for SLP. That’s because they used good people in their dirty game to gain power and cast them aside. Karma always visits

  5. St. Lucia is legally corrupted. 90% of St. Lucia’s leaders are of economic, legal and accountant background. The source of corruption to worm there ways around things, penalized the common man and profited front the deliquesce of the blind sight of party hawks.

  6. Spider, how many passports were sold during the 5 year reign of the UWP?
    Please let us know.

  7. A bunch of trolls using fake names to pander for the Massa and his klepto party of no bid contracts – u all really make me ill, 1/2 of u dont even live here and are still scared to use ur real name (Except Lydia, well done)


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