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WATCH: NCOPT President Warns Of Potential For Disaster Due To Road Potholes


The President of the National Council on Public Transportation has warned of the potential for disaster due to the numerous potholes on Saint Lucia’s roads.

Godfrey Ferdinand expressed particular concern about the state of the road to Soufriere on which he travelled during the weekend.

“It is unbelievable where the potholes are – in corners and not just potholes. Some of these things are so big if your vehicle were to go in you would have some serious expenses in terms of suspension parts,” Ferdinand told St Lucia Times.

And he warned that the potholes could contribute to accidents.

“They arte in the corners and you have to try to avoid them and they are so deep. Some of them you cannot ride over,” the NCOPT President explained.

He called on the authorities to at least fill the potholes so there would be a smoother driving experience to Soufriere.

“There are other areas that are very bad. Imagine going up a hill with fourteen passengers and the road is so bad you have to now apply your first gear. If that driver just makes an error, that vehicle can end up in an accident,” Ferdinand asserted.

“To me, if we are talking about safety in this country, there are certain things we should not allow. We should not allow potholes to stay in corners for too long,” the NCOPT official declared.

Ferdinand described the situation as unbelievable.

He observed that the weather was not bad so that the authorities could fill the potholes.

“It is a disaster waiting to happen, especially on the Soufriere road,” Ferdinand told St Lucia Times.

“I know other places have potholes, but those I saw on the Soufriere road – it’s ridiculous,” he declared.

Despite the situation, some Saint Lucians have opted to focus on the lighter side of the problem.


One driver posted on his back windscreen that he was not drunk but merely trying to avoid the potholes.

And a post on social media declared that while people in England drive on the left, Saint Lucians drive on ‘what’s left’.


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  1. To sum it up, a lack of self pride. Just earlier today I took the bus to go down there. I was thinking, why would anyone think that the road conditions were okay? By the way, Soufriere is a huge revenue earner and that road at least should be kept in pristine condition. Terrible mental attitude.

  2. It’s a disaster waiting to happen everywhere. This government has no respect for the people who gave them power. We are paying through our nostrils in road tax, fuel costs and now high vehicle maintenance costs thanks to this inept regime. Meanwhile they can create a position in Canada for a hack and send a vile Facebook bully who hasn’t held a job in 20 years to a position in Miami whilst others are told they need experience to get a job.

  3. In the 80’s St.Lucia went through a Heart Breaking of Crators on the Roads in St.Lucia .Because of a power Struggle within the Slp.Banana Trees were planted in pot Holes opposite Book Saloon and Jeromie Street .I was a Fireman at that Time Two years Service I am Slp From 1979 .Until now .Its a Disgrace for Motor Vehicle owners all over St.Lucia .The Roads were already Degrading before the General Election but the heavy Rains last year Contributed to More Destruction of the Roads .The Road Patchers from Infra Structure don’t have a Clue of what they are doing .They only repair a few pot Holes and Lesve the Small ones .Where’s the Supervision .I want to Know .very sad

  4. this is SOooooooooooooooooooooooooo embarrassing on so many levels, in this day and age, come on man.

  5. I now I’m loving it, remember what you foolish people say before election, people don’t eat road, we’ll take it in you all dada, let they continue to whip us all, so much for putting people first. We Lucian can’t hear but we will continue to feel it in our pocket books, we get exactly what we deserve.

  6. THANK YOU get the authorities to know these holes exist. i am glad its you mr godfrey that put this out cause it does not seem it is affecting the ones in authority. Its good that if anyone has an accident in those areas to take the state to court as well. When the now king who was the then prince was visiting on behalf of the queen of England they blocked all holes in a hurry before he came. The tourism minister that boasting about tourism you not seeing the holes in that area as well? how are guests and other people like taxi drivers going to travel these routes on a daily basis? when you come out of there all your suspension is done. this is ridiculous, and then when you dont pay your fees at transport board the same fees which are supposed to be allocated to fixing these problems when paid police want to stop you and give you tickets for this and that.

  7. Stone Cold, where is the 863 million dollars that was borrowed to repair roads? How many passports were sold?
    Answer this plz. Yes I agree the roads need urgent repair.


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