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Census Completed In Soufriere – Most People Cooperative But Some Still Hesitant


The National Population and Housing Census has been extended to ensure that all households and businesses are enumerated.

The census has been completed in Soufriere and is nearing completion in Dennery, Micoud, and Vieux-Fort. Focus now shifts to those districts that are lagging a bit.

The Director of Statistics, Mr. Sean Mathurin, says the 2022 National Population and Housing Census has had tremendous success in Soufriere and encouraging results from districts in the east and south of the island.

The officers who worked in Soufriere are now assisting other districts, sharing
their experiences and strategies. The Central Statistical Office says most respondents have been cooperative but there are a few who remain hesitant.

Mr. Mathurin says the process is not intimidating as some believe it is. The
interview only takes a few minutes.

The Central Statistical Office is appealing again for cooperation with enumerators. Efforts are being intensified in Castries and Gros Islet where the response rate needs to improve.

The office is working diligently to complete data collection by March/April 2023.

SOURCE: Central Statistical Office

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  1. If we don’t want to corporate you cant force us cause yall asking people all kinds of strange questions like how many bedrooms you have in your house and how many vehicles you drive like yall out to know people business to send it in to make people pay high taxes because of what they work hard to own

  2. I hope yall pay the people. The people not getting their money that’s why so many drop out and census can’t be finished. I wouldn’t even trust the data from that census office because they couldn’t even get people pay info correct far less manage to analyse that data they collected.


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