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Grieving Mother Of Homicide Victim – ‘God Will Be The Judge’


The mother of Saint Lucia’s latest homicide victim has asserted that God, who witnessed the crime, would judge the individual or individuals responsible.

Theresa Harrow-Anderson spoke hours after her son, twenty-nine-year-old Delan Harrow, died on Sunday at about 9:13 pm in Vieux Fort.

The police said he sustained multiple gunshot injuries.

“There is a God above – he will be the judge,” Harrow-Anderson declared.

The grieving mother told St Lucia Times that Delan worked as a salesman.

Harrow-Anderson said the death had been a significant blow to the family.

She said she was unaware that the deceased had any issues with anyone.

“Someone called me and told me he was on the ground, dead,” the mother recalled.

“The Devil is taking our young people’s lives. Even the music they’re playing, you can see it’s the devil getting to them. Listen to the music, it’s devilish,” Harrow-Anderson told St Lucia Times.

She also observed that young people are watching things that negatively influence them.

Regarding her deceased son, Harrow-Anderson recalled that he was jovial.

And  despite her grief, she managed a soft chuckle as she disclosed that he had ‘a big mouth’, explaining that he liked to get attention.

The police have appeal to anyone with information about Delan Harrow’s fatal shooting to contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 456-3926, 285- 2144 or 555 for anonymous



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  1. All them man does go and steal food from the garden of hard working farmers the plantain not even mature as yet but they stealing it Sunday they stole my dasheen and plantain but every thing is for a time ..

  2. Only when You all Mothers See how it Is when you loose a Member of your Family that’s When God name is being Used.Is better you ask the Devil for Assistance .You all put your Children First .Mothers Second Immediately Family Third and the Man who’s the Care Taker Last

  3. Mad Max it’s not every young man who gets shot is a thief or a badboy. I’m not saying that this individual was or wasn’t. I knew him to be working and quiet descent and respectful in public don’t know for what went on behind closed doors. So let’s not start to condemn so quickly and try to sympathize with the family until we know the truth.

  4. …and so the killing never stops. Another life snuffed away and to what end? I offer you Saint Lucia/dear reader a dichotomy…carry on with the same approach by burying your head in the sand, and while at it pray to god for deliverance – an effort that will surely end in failure OR take action/measures that will help transform the breakdown in society?. To often, we seek the easy way out…when in truth the cancer of crime that is ravaging our society has been festering for decades….it is the broken homes, that often has a single parent family, that often is ill equipped to raise decent young men and women to be effective citizens, it is the poor educational attainment of citizens that often leave school with no formal qualifications to be able to make a meaningful contribution to society. It is a societal system that is plain lazy to act in meaningful ways to effect change in a positive way… Aren’t we not society? And aren’t we not the ones who decide what we want to become as a society? How we live together, play together, seek each others interests, build resilient families, better healthcare, education,housing, work? If we are society, are the greater issues that affect us not of our own doing and therefore, the solutions are within our pervue? Have we failed? Has the government, whom we have given the democratic mandate to execute the collective will of the people failed and therefore, aren’t we supposed to hold then responsible for their failings?..I offer you Saint Lucia a dichotomy…carry on as usual or institute measures to effect positive societal change and reap the benefits of a nation growing together, achieving together, succeeding together, winning together, rising together, playing together, – a Nation flying on all engines….It is said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result…now is the time to change otherwise we will continue to loose young viable men to the scourge of crime….men who could have been scientists and perhaps discovered the cure for cancer, entrepreneurs who could have inspired and fueled the young for success in the field of business. Inventors who perhaps could have designed the next revolutionary gadgets, or even decent young men who could have become role models and decent father’s to their children..but alas, the system, society has not prepared then for such success…the system does not work and therefore the system has failed. I offer you Saint Lucia, a dichotomy. Why are mostly young men the victims of crime? Why this toxic masculinity? Why is it mostly young women educating themselves and rightly so? We need a plan for society. Too many young men are being lost. Logic would dictate and even a quick mathematical calculation would dictate that if this trend continues, society would have lost the most capable individuals who could have contributed meaningfully to society and this would impact on our GDP, birthrate, health outcomes, literacy fact the entire fabric of society would be affected and be worse for it. I offer you Saint Lucia, a dichotomy – You choose.

    Happy 44th Independence Day.

  5. May the young man RIP ——–
    @c-wiz while I agree with a significant portion of your contribution. You stated and I quote ” ….it is the broken homes, that often has a single parent family” – however; some great contributors to society and the world at large have come out of single parent household. In addition, there are some two parent households where children have been reared and subsequently damaged significantly.

    If the family structure is already dysfunctional and severely broken down in the first place; whether it be single or two parent households then it trickles down like a curse from generation to generation.


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