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WATCH: SRDF Sponsors Programme To Improve Literacy & Mathematics Among District 8 Students


Seventy-six students from schools within district 8 will receive specialized tutoring to improve in areas of literacy and Mathematics, as part of an After School Program, conceptualized by the office of the district Education Officer and funded by the Soufriere Regional Development Foundation (SRDF).

The program will run from Mondays to Thursdays with transportation and free meals will be provided to the students.

We hear more in this report:

SOURCE: Soufriere Regional Development Foundation. Headline photo from programme launch.

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  1. This is so wonderful and a fantastic initiative, play you’re part Parents!.The baton race was very nice to see as well, Happy 44th Independence St. Lucia.

  2. Where are the specialist teachers in Mathematics? The classroom teachers need assistance from our trained Specialists to enable them (classroom teachers) to improve the method of teaching mathematics. The specialists need to get out to the schools to help the teachers. Get out of CAMDU and help improve the situation.


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