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Shots Fired In Soufriere – One Man Dead


Police have confirmed that one man is dead and another is in critical condition after a shooting incident in Soufriere on Wednesday.

Emergency personnel from the Soufriere fire station responded after receiving a call at about 3:40 pm regarding the shooting.

According to initial reports, it occurred at the Soufriere gas station on the waterfront, where the victims had pulled up to inflate a motorcycle tyre.

There are no further details at present.


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  1. Was jus down in soufrier wit the bikes, so why u got to go and phock up a great ting,on Independence …..smPH Put DOWN THE GUNS.SmPH

  2. Saint Lucia is on a cursed path, and unless there is collective repentance from the heart, the nation is doomed to corruption, decadence, more violence, and senseless death!

  3. We Bois den residents are breathing a sigh of relief. One brother went the other one has to go too. We are tired of these criminals in the area the Anse La Raye police hardly do anything for us. They are either afraid of these criminals or otherwise. I want to know what the mother and the sister will say.


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