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New Report Says Over Half The Global Population Could Become Overweight By 2035


A new World Obesity Atlas report from the World Obesity Federation predicts that if current trends continue, fifty-one percent of the global population will be overweight or obese by 2035.

“Continued failure to improve prevention and treatment could contribute to a total economic impact of US$4.32 trillion by 2035 – nearly 3% of global GDP,” the report warned.

And the Obesity Federation stated that these new figures represent a significant increase in current levels.

The Federation said the situation lends urgency to its calls for the development of national obesity action plans around the world.

According to the organisation, childhood obesity is rising particularly fast.

It expects rates to double among boys by 2035 to 208 million and to increase by 125% among girls to 175 million

The Federation observed that over 1.5 billion adults and nearly 400 million children would live with obesity in 12 years unless significant action is taken.

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