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Jason Was The ‘Sweetest, Most Loving Individual’


The girlfriend of Babonneau homicide victim Kacey Jason Montoute, has described the deceased as a jovial partner who was the ‘sweetest, most loving individual.’

Montoute was shot dead on Sunday night at Fond Assau, Babonneau, at about 10:35 pm.

The minibus he was driving at the time crashed into a wall.

His girlfriend wants whosoever was responsible for his death to face punishment for the crime.

“No relationship is perfect, but the nine years we spent together were amazing,” the grieving girlfriend told reporters.

She said she received a phone call Sunday night indicating that Jason had sustained gunshot injuries, and when she asked which Jason it was, the caller disclosed that it was her partner.

“That was hard. I instantly dropped the phone and started running down the road,” the girlfriend told reporters.

She said she would miss everything about him and disclosed that she had no clue why someone would kill him, as Jason has no issues with anyone.

Saint Lucia has so far this year recorded 13 homicides, including two fatal police shootings.



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  1. I wonder if it’s Road Rage. We the law abiding citizens, tax paying ones have to avoid them and allow them to do what they want. if you don’t you have to wonder the Police our tax money paying refuse to Police our roads and make it safe. People take heed, The Politicians safe in their Black jeeps and bodyguards. Let’s put pressure on PJP, Poyotte to make our roads SAFE.

  2. The politricktians don’t care about the Citizens who gave them a job.Only when Election is Round the Corner.Babonnesu haves many gun Related Homicides .How many arrest have been made .No police patrol whether by day or night

  3. yes he was definitely that kind of person thats why he had the name Gyalis written on his van and he was known for doing what the name describes so nothing strange the male partner of a female person didnt like what he did and retaliated in this gruesome and sad way

  4. @most dishonorable people like u always know but never have the answers to solve crime..and my name is menstruation so wats ur point??? choops

  5. I think you guys are missing the point . STOP THE KILLING!!!!! And the NOT so emphatic people commenting I can see you every Sunday in the house of the Lord . It’s clearly not the time and place to pass judgement.

  6. @mashheee yes i am so sorry that i dont have the answer as to who killed your man. accept my deepest condolences

  7. There must be a reason why he was killed. As I have always say the drug is the cause of all the killings in st.Lucia. Marijuana and cocaine the killers.


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