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Man Shot Dead In Vieux Fort


One man is dead following a shooting incident in Vieux Fort, police have confirmed.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS)  said it responded to a shooting report at the fisheries complex.

The Vieux Fort fire station received an emergency call at about 4:15 pm and transported a man to the hospital.

There are no further details at this time.

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  1. RIP Dylan you were a real one. Such a small community to have so much violence, its obvious the authorities are failing dismally, considering we all know who is responsible for these senseless crimes, sad

  2. They should hold the shooter or identify him by now with so many people that was down there and by that bar at the end of Clark Street . They need a police post down there certain time of day regardless if VF becomes Sleepy Hollow after 8 o’clock

  3. I noticed the SSU and other police vehicles patrolling Vieux Fort with their glass up and air conditioning on. Will they ever hear anything happening? Maybe they know hence the air conditioning on. then everyone will blame one another.


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