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Pierre Promises To Deal Humanely With CDC Apartment Tenants


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has promised to deal humanely with CDC apartment tenants after an announcement that they would have to move because the blocks are structurally unsound.

The tenants of blocks U, V, W, X, Y, and Z have acknowledged the danger.

But they have expressed concern over a notice to vacate their apartments within three months.

And asserting they would get $2,500 in relocation assistance, the tenants felt the government could do more to assist with alternative accommodations.

“We are assessing the situation and we are going to deal with it in a humane manner,” Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre told reporters on Monday.

The Castries East MP spoke on the sidelines of a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“Who expects us to allow the people in the CDC to suffer? That’s not in our nature,” the Prime Minister declared.

And he called attention to his Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) history in such matters, specifically referencing the Black Mallet-Maynard Hill landslide of 1999.

“There was a situation in Black Mallet. We moved all these people. We paid rent for them for years and we gave them spots to build their houses,” Pierre told reporters.

“That is our history. That’s what we are all about. We’re about people,” the Prime Minister stated.

And regarding the CDC apartments matter, he said he had instructed Housing Minister Richard Frederick that a technocrat should not speak on the issue.

“The person who spoke about that should not have spoken and instructions have gone up clearly to the Minister that these pronouncements must not come from the technocrats. These must come from management,” Pierre told reporters.

Headline photo: Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre responds to questions from reporters.

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  1. So PEP what happen to the 1500 you had promise the voters for covid relief they aren’t human ain it? Big stakes for votes that’s your ideology nothing further from the truth.


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